Married Female Teacher and Student 'Unlawful Texts'Shock' on the classroom screen

Nov 29, 2024

Married Female Teacher and Student 'Unlawful Texts'Shock' on the classroom screen
photo source=Weibo, Sihwa Ilbo

The message of an affair between a married teacher and a male student is projected on a large screen in the classroom, shocking.

It was because the teacher's computer was linked. Surprisingly, this female teacher was recognized by people around her enough to be selected as a model teacher.

According to Chinese media, including the Sihwa Ilbo, an online chat message appeared on the screen in front of the classroom during a class at a vocational middle school in Changzhi, Shaanxi Province, China.

Teacher Jang's computer, a married woman, was linked to the screen, but the teacher forgot to log out, so the chat was projected as it was. Students who did not know this came to see it after turning on the screen for class.

Some students in class filmed it. The other student was estimated to be between the ages of 15 and 18 based on the contents.

If you look at the open chat, the other male student called the female teacher 'Honey', and when the woman complained of her family life 'Do nothing for her husband. I think I'll be jealous', 'I'll wash your feet next time we live together. I'll always love you, I texted you.

The female teacher replied 'I always love you', 'I won't leave you either if you don't leave me'.

According to local media, Jang has been married for several years and has a daughter.

In addition, he was recently selected as an exemplary teacher because he was faithful to his usual class and recognized for his character.

In the face of controversy, the local education office, which launched an investigation, suspended Jang.

At the same time, the education authorities said they are conducting further investigations.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.