Orange-sized tumour grown in the eyes, infected fungus that extends to the chest 'Shock'

Nov 04, 2024

Orange-sized tumour grown in the eyes, infected fungus that extends to the chest 'Shock'
photo source=BMJ Case Reports, Daily Mail

A case of a man in India who almost went blind due to the growth of bacteria in his eyes has been reported to the medical community.

The Daily Mail, a British media outlet, reported the contents of the British Medical Journal's Case Reports', which contains the case of an Indian man who grew bacteria in his eyes and nose.

30-year-old A, who lives in India, developed an orange-sized tumor on his eyelids and extended to his chest.

He started with microscopic edema in his left eye five years ago, but over time it became so big that the skin on his face was stretched, and the tissue at the eye border was pulled out, making it impossible to see.

Medical staff who examined him, who visited the hospital due to severe pain, found fungi in his nose and eyes.

Medical staff believe that the tumor caused inflammation of surrounding tissues in the way the body responds to the fungus.

Medics are unsure how long the patient has had the fungus in his body and where he contracted it, but they suspect other patients with the disease usually developed it after swimming or bathing in a stream near a rural area or farm.

The medical staff explained that the patient suffered from vascular fibroma, a giant tumor, and rhinitis, a parasitic infection.

Medical staff wrote in the case report that it is rare for both to occur at the same time.

The tumor, which was about 15.2 cm in diameter and about 7.6 cm in length, was not cancerous but still appeared to deteriorate.

Surgeons at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences performed surgery to remove the mass from his eye to avoid massive bleeding, and also cut off a 'giant' deformed blood vessel that had grown to support the mass.

The operation was successful and within 3 months, the patient's eye appearance returned to normal and was able to be seen again.

The medical team explained that parasites grown in men's eyes and noses are a type of fungus called 'Rhinosporidium seberi'.

Although infections of this fungus are rare, they are commonly reported in tropical regions of India and Sri Lanka. There are occasional cases of infection in other countries as well

The 2021 study reported 286 outbreaks worldwide between 1896 and 2019, of which approximately 34 were in the United States.

Although not fatal, some patients live with masses for a long time.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.