Presumptive Children's Proper Growth Guide 'Kidden Time 2'Revealed

Nov 01, 2024

Park Hye-young, chairman of the Bareun Growth Clinic at Incheon Himchan General Hospital, presents a solution for age-appropriate growth through an example of being worried about being too tall even though it is not a rapid growth period in TV Chosun 'Kiden Time 2', which is scheduled to air on the 2nd.

The main character, who is a first-year elementary school student, grew 10cm in height over a year, and is currently about 134cm, which is the same as the average height of the third-year elementary school student. He went to the hospital with developing breast symptoms and was diagnosed with precocious puberty.

Park Hye-young, chairman of the Bareun Growth Clinic at Himchan General Hospital in Incheon, said, `Grown-up puberty is an abnormally faster case of adolescent development than children of the same age, and the final height may be reduced because growth stops early before bone age"Central precocious puberty, family history, obesity, environmental hormones, etc., which secrete germline-stimulating hormones early from the pituitary gland without any specific cause, are cited as the causes."

The main character's height is the 97th percentile, and it can be said that it is the 97th tallest out of 100 people of his age. The bone age is also urgent because the growth plate can close faster two years and five months before the actual age. In the broadcast, the main character diagnosed with precocious puberty presents solutions such as necessary treatments, duration of treatment, and lifestyle habits to prevent precocious puberty. It also solves various questions such as things to be careful about when treating precocious puberty, side effects when you grow too fast, and the effect of obesity on growth.

In the section to find adults' joint health and hidden height, the latest updates will be revealed after artificial joint surgery to treat the left hip femoral head bloodless necrosis and right knee degenerative arthritis of those who had difficulty in their daily lives due to hip and knee pain in the last broadcast. Not only did I walk correctly after the surgery, but the deformation was corrected, so I found about 2cm of hidden height.

Presumptive Children's Proper Growth Guide 'Kidden Time 2'Revealed
TV Chosun"Kidentime 2" cast. From left, Kim Yoo-geun, director of Bupyeong Himchan Hospital, Park Hye-young, chairman of Barunjangsan Clinic at Incheon Himchan General Hospital, comedian Jung Joon-ha, and announcer Jung Dae-eun.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.