What if my gums keep falling down? Doubtful of 'Gutting Down'

Nov 01, 2024

What if my gums keep falling down? Doubtful of 'Gutting Down'
data photo source=Pixabay

One day, office worker A found a hole in the shape of a triangle in the gum space between his front teeth. The black hole between the white teeth stood out, so I was stressed every time I spoke or laughed. According to an Internet search, it seemed to be similar to the symptoms of black triangle that occur during correction, but A, who had no experience in correction, visited the dentist worried that it might be another disease or it might be worse, and was found to be 'gut withdrawal'.

Gum degeneration refers to a condition in which the gums go below the existing height and the root of the tooth is exposed, and is also called 'dental degeneration'.

In other words, gum contraction, in which the gums are down, is common in people over 40 due to aging, but it can also occur in young people depending on oral care.

If the oral hygiene condition is poor, bacteria develop on the teeth and gums, leading to inflammation, and the gums stimulated in the process degenerate, and if inflammation continues to the alveolar bone, it progresses to periodontal inflammation.

In addition, the use of strong brushing or irritating toothpaste can wear out the enamel around the gums, which can cause gum degeneration, and excessive use of dental floss or toothpicks can directly damage the gums.

In addition, ▲ orthodontics ▲ teeth grinding ▲ partial dentures that do not fit you ▲ smoking ▲ vitamin C deficiency can be considered as the cause.

Gum contraction occurs slowly and is often found as an aesthetic problem without any symptoms like A, and when the tissue supporting the teeth decreases due to the progression of the contraction, the teeth are exposed, and when brushing teeth or drinking cold water, it is found to be cold or painful.

If the gums are degenerated, the space between the teeth is enlarged and the teeth look longer, which is not only aesthetically good, but also food or plaque is well caught between the gums, which can lead to periodontal disease.

Mild gum degeneration prioritizes changing to mild toothpaste or soft bristles and preventing tooth damage through proper brushing. If the tooth is deeply dug, use a resin to block the exposed area or apply fluoride if there are cold symptoms, and if the gum is severely contracted, a gum transplant will be performed under the judgment of the medical staff.

Jang Ji-hyun, head of the dental department at Daedong Hospital, said "Gum degeneration does not occur suddenly but progresses slowly, so you should check your teeth condition with a regular oral examination."If you leave your gums that have begun to shrink, you may have to consider an operation called gum transplantation, so I recommend you to visit the dentist immediately if you have any abnormal symptoms."

For gum health, carefully brush the surface of your teeth and the boundary between your teeth and gums with the right way to brush your teeth, and use an interdental toothbrush or dental floss to manage between your teeth. In particular, if you have a lot of implants or prosthetics, be more careful and visit the dentist at least once a year for a checkup, including scaling.

What if my gums keep falling down? Doubtful of 'Gutting Down'
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.