The ceiling is round and round. I should not move my head or body too fast

Dec 29, 2024

The ceiling is round and round. I should not move my head or body too fast
data photo source=Pixabay

#. Mrs. A, a housewife in her 50s, recently woke up in the morning and suddenly felt like she was turning around. He was diagnosed with otolithiasis as a result of visiting the hospital and examining it with concern due to nausea and vomiting.

Otolithiasis is a symptom in which severe dizziness, which seems to be circling around, lasts for about a minute from several seconds and then improves on its own. It occurs when Lee Seok-seok, one of the vestibular organs, leaves its place and enters another vestibular organ, Ban Gorigwan.

The semicircular tube is filled with a liquid called inner lymph fluid. When two stone enters here, the two stone moves around in the semicircular tube when moving its head, causing the lymph fluid to fluctuate, and this abnormal flow of internal lymph fluid stimulates a sense of equilibrium, causing severe dizziness that seems to be circling around the ceiling even when it is still. In Chinese characters, 耳 stone means a stone in the ear, but in reality, it is not a stone, but a fine lump of calcium carbonate that is invisible to the eye.

Professor Jeon Eun-joo of the Department of Otolaryngology at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital emphasized that "dyslexia is the most common cause of dizziness, which accounts for 30-40% of all causes of dizziness. It is okay when you stay still, but when you move your head to a certain position, rotational dizziness occurs repeatedly." "Dyslexia can be diagnosed immediately with a relatively simple diagnosis, and if the diagnosis is accurate, it is necessary to visit the hospital as soon as possible to receive proper treatment with proper physical treatment."

◇Repeated rotational dizziness during certain movements

Lee Seok-jeung's official name is 'Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; BPPV)', which translates the English diagnosis name as it is. 'positive' means dizziness occurs even when there is no serious ear disease or brain disease, '突' means that symptoms suddenly occur and then self-improvement occurs repeatedly, and 'body 位變換' means that dizziness is caused by changes in body posture. 'Hyun-hoon (眩暈)' refers to the twirling and giddy pattern among the dizziness patterns.

The most common postures for dizziness in otolithiasis are when sitting down and lying back, and when lying down to the left or right. For a moment, you feel extreme dizziness as if the ceiling or wall is spinning and the floor is soaring upward, but fortunately, the dizziness does not last long and usually stops within a minute. However, if you move your head or change your posture, the same symptoms appear again and again. It is accompanied by a feeling of nausea, and in severe cases, it causes vomiting, and complains of cold sweat. However, it is not accompanied by other symptoms related to the ear, such as hearing loss, tinnitus, and pain. It is known to have a high incidence in women by gender.

Professor Eun-joo Jeon said, `It is presumed that otolithiasis occurs mainly in middle-aged and elderly people in their 40s or older, and it is easy to form otolith incompletely due to ischemia of the inner ear as they get older, and fluid calcified substances can be easily formed due to degenerative changes in otolith organs.'

◇ Lee Seok's laparotomy 15 minutes, 2~3 times, 90% of patients are treated

This hydronephrosis usually disappears on its own after weeks to months if left alone, but it can get better much faster with active treatment.

The most important thing for diagnosis is the medical history and physical examination. The medical history can be suspected if rotational dizziness has occurred suddenly or if the symptoms have become more severe with head movement.

The physical examination is identified by a body eye examination that observes the reflexive abnormal movement (anxiety) of the eyeball that occurs when the head and body are moved in a specific direction. Anjin refers to a movement in which the eyeball bounces repeatedly in a specific direction regardless of one's will. While rotating the head 45 degrees from side to side, see if the eye is triggered by lying back, or while lying down, turn the head from side to side to side to cause the eye, confirming that characteristic symptoms and eye irritation appear.

Professor Eun-joo Jeon said, "Although the diagnosis itself seems simple, otolithiasis can occur in each of the three semicircular tubes of both ears, and since otolithiasis is further divided into two types: semicircular and ampullary-type stones, 12 subtypes are possible. There are several more atypical subtypes such as multiple otolithiasis or more atypical subtypes that cause otolithiasis in two or more semicircular tubes at the same time. We need to closely observe and analyze the aspect of the diagnosis to accurately identify the semicircular tube where the lesion occurred.

Otolithiasis is treated through physical therapy called 'Hydrostomy'. Otolithiasis is a treatment that moves the patient's body and head in a series of directions and angles by returning the otolith particles flowing in the inner lymph fluid of the semicircular tube to the ovarian sac. The treatment time is about 15 minutes, and there is no pain, but there may be dizziness during the procedure. It is usually treated successfully in about 90% with two to three treatments.

◇The recurrence rate is high, but if the goalposts are promoted through regular exercise and activities, the prevention is done

If you suspect Lee Seok-seong, it is better not to move your head or body as rapidly as possible so that Lee Seok can find his place. In particular, reduce excessive movements such as turning your head or tilting back, and maintain a sitting position with your head raised as much as possible until bedtime.

In the past, in order to increase the efficiency of treatment, it was kept in a sitting position without lying down for 48 hours after treatment, but recent clinical studies have reported that such excessive posture fixation is unnecessary. If you do not heal well even after performing otolithiasis multiple times, you may do a 'habitual movement' that repeatedly takes a specific posture that causes dizziness. Intractable otolithiasis, which does not heal after several months of treatment, may require surgical treatment called semicircular obstruction, which blocks the semicircular duct.

Otolithiasis tends to recur frequently. Researchers at the University of Munich in Germany observed 125 patients with otolithiasis for 6 to 17 years, and the average recurrence rate within 5 years was 33 to 50%. However, it is not a disease that develops into chronic recurrence. In case of recurrence, it can be improved immediately if you visit a close specialist and receive appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

The obvious way to prevent recurrence of otolithiasis is still unknown. However, life rules that promote bone metabolism and blood circulation through light exercise and regular outdoor activities and prevent osteoporosis can be helpful.

Professor Eunjoo Jeon said, `As there are recent reports that vitamin D deficiency is related to the occurrence of otolithiasis, it is necessary to induce vitamin D formation by basking in the sun every day"Avoid abnormal posture, such as turning your head upside down, and preventing shock to your head can also help prevent recurrence of otolithiasis." he advised.

The ceiling is round and round. I should not move my head or body too fast
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.