Countdown to super-aged society...Aging Tech in Korea has a long way to go to support the living of the elderly

Dec 18, 2024

Although interest in Aging-tech, a technology that supports the independent life of the elderly, is increasing, it has been pointed out that the size or diversity of domestic related industries is insufficient.

According to a recent report published by KB Financial Group Management Research Institute 'Examples of Aging Tech's Innovation for a Sustainable Aging Society', the emergence of active seniors called 'YOLD' is accelerating Aging Tech's growth.

The Yold is short for Young Old, which means a young old man, and has been widely known since Britain 'The Economist' first mentioned it in his book The World Ahead 2020. Analysts say that baby boomers have become the main consumers of the aging tech market as the Yold's interest in health care and wellness leads to the use of digital healthcare platforms or demand for health monitoring services. The global aging tech market is expected to grow 23% annually since 2019, reaching $3.2 trillion in 2025.

Countdown to super-aged society...Aging Tech in Korea has a long way to go to support the living of the elderly

The report largely divided aging technologies that support the independent life of the elderly into four categories.

First of all, it is health management and monitoring that manages health through the provision of customized health care programs based on the health status of the elderly and medication guidance. It predicts health problems early by collecting and analyzing information using wearable devices or smart toilet seats.

The second function is to quickly respond to the elderly's 'emergency situation'experience such as falls and heart disease by using emergency call devices or sensors.

The third is social isolation prevention technology, which supports communication with family members and acquaintances through safe communication channels and simple phone connection functions, and promotes communication through various experiences and learning.

Finally, it is a daily life support technology that assists elderly people with mobility difficulties by using robots. For example, an autonomous mobile robot helps move food, bowls, or laundry, or a wearable robot supports walking of an elderly person with insufficient muscle strength.

However, the report found that Korea's aging tech industry is still small and the range of services is limited to respond to various needs of the elderly.

It is pointed out that social support for healthy retirement is very important as 7 million baby boomers (born between 1955 and 1963) begin to enter their 70s from 2025 when they enter the super-aged society, and 9.54 million secondary baby boomers (born between 1964 and 74) will enter their 60s, the legal retirement age, over the next 11 years from this year.

The report emphasized that for aging technology to be actively applied to the daily life of the elderly, continuous research on the elderly and government support for revitalizing related industries are of paramount importance.