I can feel a lump on my chest...What are common fibroid adenomas in women in their 20s and 30s?

Dec 15, 2024

I can feel a lump on my chest...What are common fibroid adenomas in women in their 20s and 30s?
data photo source=Pixabay

One of the benign tumors that occurs in the breast, 'fibro adenoma', is the most common breast disease found among women in their 20s and 30s.

Fibroma is a lump-type tumor that occurs when the fibers and mammary gland tissue of the breast grow abnormally under the stimulation of female hormones. The possibility of developing malignant is very low, so it is essential to manage it through regular checkups even though it does not pose a life threat.

Fibroma is often found accidentally during medical examinations because there are few symptoms, and it is often diagnosed as a lump touched on the breast as the mass grows rapidly.

Hwang Hyo-joon, head of the breast surgery department at Good Culture Hospital, stressed that it is important to detect abnormalities in the breast early with regular mammography and mammography.

If a mass is found in the breast by mammography and mammography, a biopsy is performed to check whether it is malignant. In the case of fibroadenoma, treatment is usually not required, but surgical removal is essential if the lump is large and touched at the time of discovery, pain is felt in the area where the lump is present, followed by ultrasound, and if the lump continues to grow, and if the proliferative lesion is observed on the breast center needle biopsy.

Chief Hwang Hyo-joon advised, "When deciding on a fibroid surgery, it is most important to follow the opinion of a reliable doctor considering the patient's history, family history, age, and ultrasound findings."In the case of fibroid adenoma, it is easy to operate with vacuum-assisted aspiration resection, commonly known as mammothum, so it is recommended to visit a hospital and see a breast surgeon."

Early detection is important for breast diseases such as fibroadenoma. Since it may be difficult to detect breast masses only with self-examination, it is recommended to visit a breast hospital once a year to conduct an examination. In addition, healthy lifestyles such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management help maintain breast health.

I can feel a lump on my chest...What are common fibroid adenomas in women in their 20s and 30s?
Hwang Hyo-jun, who describes fibroid adenomas.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.