Professor Shin Jeong-ho of Korea University Guro Hospital surpassed 300 cases of sacral fixation for the world's first single-hole robot

Dec 18, 2024

Professor Shin Jeong-ho of the obstetrics and gynecology department at Korea University Guro Hospital surpassed the world's first '300 cases of single-hole (SP) robot sacral fixation'.

The sacral fixation is a surgery with the lowest recurrence rate among surgical methods to correct pelvic organ exodus, and it is a high-level surgery that supports organs by connecting the vagina with a mesh between the sacrum, the bone at the tip of the spine. Because it separates the bladder and rectum from the vagina in a narrow space in the pelvis, exposes the sacrum with a high risk of bleeding, it is considered one of the most skilled surgeries among gynecological surgeries.

Pelvic organ exodus is a disease in which organs such as the uterus, bladder, and rectum fall down or out through the vagina. It occurs frequently in middle-aged and older, with 3 out of 10 women in their 50s or older, and causes urination disorders, vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, and walking disorders.

The probability of a woman having surgery for pelvic organ prolapse during her lifetime is as common as 1 in 9 (11%). In particular, symptoms worsen as aging progresses after menopause, so as the age increases, the number of cases requiring surgical treatment increases, and patients in their early 70s undergo surgery the most. However, even after surgery, 1 in 3 patients had recurrence so often that they had to undergo reoperation, but most of the other surgical methods had a recurrence rate of 15-45%, while the recurrence rate of sacral fixation was around 5%, which was quite small.

In the past, laparoscopic surgery or laparoscopic surgery was performed, and these surgical methods were burdensome for elderly patients with weak physical strength and chronic diseases because the incision was large or took more than 4 to 5 hours even if only a few holes were made. However, surgery with a single-hole robotic surgery machine reduces the operation time to about 3 hours, reducing the anesthesia time by about a third compared to the existing surgery method and reducing the patient's physical burden by about 3cm, so recovery is faster.

Professor Shin Jung-ho said, `It is important to minimize the risk and burden of surgery because most of the patients who need surgery are over 70 years old.'"Single-hole robotic surgery has shortened the operation time and minimized the incision, so patients can recover quickly enough to walk around in half a day after surgery." In addition, single-hole robotic surgery facilitates access to the inside of the narrow pelvis, and allows more sophisticated surgery using the enlarged field of view."

Prior to this, a global robotic surgery equipment company designated Korea University Guro Hospital as the world's first 'single-hole (SP) obstetrics and gynecology robot surgery education center'. Obstetricians and gynecologists are visiting Korea University Guro Hospital to receive training on surgical methods from Professor Shin, and this time, it has once again proved its reputation as a name for gynecological surgery by surpassing the world's first 300 cases of single-hole (SP) robot sacral fixation.

Professor Shin Jeong-ho of Korea University Guro Hospital surpassed 300 cases of sacral fixation for the world's first single-hole robot
Professor Shin Jung-ho undergoing surgery

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.