What is the safest vision correction for test takers with myopia and astigmatism?

Dec 16, 2024

Recently, there are many test takers who solve myopia through femtosecond laser vision correction such as Smile Lasik and SmilePro.

However, not all myopia patients with bad eyes can undergo laser vision correction surgery. Surgery is restricted if myopia is accompanied by near-sightedness that is hard to see in the distance, and astigmatism that overlaps and spreads objects or letters.

Compared to people with myopia, the amount of corneal shaving increases, which can lead to unexpected aftereffects. Therefore, the more severe the astigmatism, the more carefully you should approach vision correction.

In a randomized survey of 299 myopia patients who received Smail LASIK vision correction in my ophthalmology, more than 7 out of 10 (72.2%) were accompanied by astigmatism. Light astigmatism is solved with myopia with a smile LASIK, but advanced astigmatism of -4 to -5 diopters or more is limited by safety issues.

For myopia test takers who cannot correct laser vision due to such severe astigmatism, it is the safest and most effective way to take off their glasses to solve astigmatism first and then to solve myopia with Smile Lasik and Smile Pro.

It is a method of correcting eyesight step by step by combining corneal incision astigmatism correction with Smile Lasik or Smile Pro.

Astigmatism corrections solve astigmatism by finding the area of the cornea that causes astigmatism through precise examination and slightly incision with a fine knife to restore the tensile force of the cornea. 'Calisto-eye' is a surgery that combines the surgical power of the surgeon with the astigmatism tracking navigation device. Compared to LASIK LASEK, corneas can be preserved up to 58% because there is no damage to the cornea center and the cornea is not cut with a laser. It is safe because there is very little risk of corneal dilation or confusion during corneal recovery.

In clinical results published in the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the average astigmatism level, which is -2.36 diopters before surgery, improved from 61% of all patients to less than 0.5 diopters after surgery, and 85% of patients had astigmatism within an error of 1 diopters.

The most important thing in vision correction for test takers who are about to enter university and society is to restore their vision safely by preserving the corneal surface that protects our eyes as much as possible with minimal incision and minimal damage.

Before surgery, the degree of myopia, astigmatism, and corneal conditions should be carefully checked through precise and accurate examinations, and vision correction plans should be made with medical staff to proceed calmly.

Help = Onnuri Smile An, Director Kim Boo-ki

 What is the safest vision correction for test takers with myopia and astigmatism?
◇OnnuriSmile and Director Kim Boo-ki

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.