"Scaling by the end of the month."'Once a year' health insurance benefits are about to close
Dec 10, 2024
In Korea, health insurance is applied once a year to scaling treatment performed by dentists. Since the benefit provision period is from January to December every year on a yearly basis, the once-a-year insurance coverage opportunity disappears if you do not receive scaling within this year. Therefore, if you have not received any scaling procedures this year, you should visit the dentist by the end of this month to benefit from them.
If you receive insurance benefits, you can receive scaling at 15,000 to 20,000 won, but if you receive it as a non-payment, the cost will rise to 50,000 to 70,000 won.
Scaling is the most basic method for preventing periodontal diseases and managing gum health, along with brushing and dental floss use. In the early stages, periodontal diseases without any special symptoms are fatal to oral health, such as degeneration of gums (regression and atrophy of teeth, revealing cement quality) or shaking teeth. In addition, if tartar is left unattended for a long time, bad breath can occur due to bacterial proliferation, and scaling can reduce odors.
After scaling, it is recommended to avoid irritating food for two to three days and use toothpaste with less wear.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.