Thursday, December 19, 2024, today's fortune by year. (November 19th)
Dec 15, 2024
Born in 60 years old: You are sometimes willing to make concessions to your partners.
Born in 72: Watch your words. Things will be solved gradually.
Born 84: Do everything step by step in order. There is no need to rush.
Born in 1996: It's time for wisdom to overcome hardships.
Cow year: Don't be swayed by temptation.
Born in 61: If you keep your initial mindset and wait, you will see a path to success.
Born in '73: You can have fun with your family. It's up to you.
Born 85: Don't rush too much. The people who follow can't follow.
Born 1997: I think it's better to take a rest and relax a little bit.
Bumblebee: Please wait for a moment with a cheerful mind.
Born in 62: Listen to your subordinates.
Born in 74: Always be careful of your slip of the tongue.
Born in 1986: You have to take good care of your ancestors to avoid bad things.
Born in 1998: If you go out, you can meet a noble.
Rabbit year: Be prepared for the expected risks.
Born in 63: It's better to save some money for old age.
Born in 75: Don't be too rash, you should know how to wait.
Born in 1987: Don't talk to your superiors and be polite.
Born in 1999: Health deteriorates a lot. Please get a comprehensive diagnosis.
Year of the Dragon: It's the time to check your position.
Born in 2000: Don't compete. Your opponent is one level ahead of you.
Born in 1964: I'm concerned about conflict between couples, so take a step back and think about it.
Born in 1976: Reflect on your past and prepare for tomorrow.
Born in 1988: It's time to let go of your hubris and reflect on yourself.
Snake year: You'd better start over with a big heart.
Born 01: Your physique drops a lot due to lack of exercise. Light exercise is long.
Born in 65: Take your time in a steady position.
Born in 77: Your luck is very long. Please push ahead.
Born in 1989: The number of breakups with the opposite sex is expected. Don't be so heartbroken.
Horseback: Keep in mind that the moon will wane when it's cold.
Born in 2002: It's a long time to hang out with your old classmates and talk.
Born in 66: Strong stubbornness is ugly. You'd better be careful.
Born in 78: Lee Sung-woon is good, but there is a risk of conflict.
Born in 1990: It can cause minor injuries. Be careful with the knife.
Sheep: It's going to be a little unstable day.
Born in 55: My condition is poor, so I make a lot of mistakes at work.
Born in 1967: I think one troubling problem is going to be solved by accident.
Born in 79: You'd better make sure you get in touch with them in advance.
Born in 1991: The noble is looking for you. However, it will be difficult to meet.
Monkey year: Don't get tired easily and wait for it.
Born 56 years old: Now your good luck is at its peak.
Born in 68: Don't risk your life on trivial matters. That can ruin a pleasant day.
Born in 80: Even if you have a reason you like, promise to.
Born in 1992: Investment is ominous and insurance and so on make a profit.
The Year of the Chicken: You're going to have to take full advantage of the talent and knowledge you have.
Born 57: Don't forget your duty and keep in mind that you get lucky.
Born in 69: Rest easy. Money, reason, all will be advantageous.
Born 81: Everything has its time and its time. We need wisdom to know how to wait.
Born in 1993: If you're looking for something, you're hiding deep in the Southeast.
Dog year: What you want is done relatively quickly, but it's a time when you need careful insight.
Born in 58: You're going to have to give up your self-interest and take your own and serve the public good.
Born in 70: Take the easiest path to overcome the environment.
Born 1982: Take advice from your superiors. There are many things to learn.
Born in 1994: It's solid because there are no obstacles. There will be good results.
Year of the Pig: Abandon your own stubbornness and talk to a broken person.
Born 59: You are not very subjective. Please clarify the subject matter clearly.
Born 71 years old: There are times when you are stressed out at work.
Born in 1983: Be kind to the people around you.
Born in 1995: Take care of your health. If you do something wrong, you can get a disease that you may not be able to treat.