The story of the abandoned dog who was protecting his friend who was run over by a car is touching

Jan 22, 2025

The story of the abandoned dog who was protecting his friend who was run over by a car is touching
photo source=YouTube

The touching story of a stray dog protecting a 'friend' who was knocked down by a car is a hot topic.

According to the New York Post and other U.S. media, a dog that fell on the highway shoulder in Florida and a dog protecting it were found by patrols.

The fallen dog was injured after hitting the vehicle and the other dog appeared to wrap itself around and protect it from approaching vehicles.

Officials at the animal shelter, who were dispatched, took the dog to an animal hospital, and tests showed that three of the four legs were severely injured, including fractured legs and hip bones.

I even considered euthanasia.

After hearing the news from an animal welfare organization, they decided to support the treatment of dogs.

The injured dog was called 'Jo' and the dog that was being protected was called 'Gruber' and was judged as an abandoned dog.

An animal welfare organization official said, `I was moved to see the photo of the two taken""Gruber seemed to show that he would never give up his injured friend Zoro, " he said.

With the help of several organizations and officials, Zoro underwent more than six surgeries and was hospitalized.

Zoro, who met Gruber again five days after the accident, could not walk, but he waved his tail wildly and expressed his delight.

An official said "Heartwarming story"Hoping to have both adopted in the same house" he said.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.