KGM Offers Additional Subsidies For Torres EVX Electric Vehicles

Feb 05, 2025

Photo courtesy : carguy(

KG Mobility ( , hereinafter KGM) announced on the 5th that it will hold electric vehicle price promotions such as Torres EVX to support customers following the reduction of electric vehicle government subsidies.

KGM's decision to benefit from additional subsidies for electric vehicles will minimize the economic burden on customers due to the government's reorganization of electric vehicle subsidies following last year, and provide customer benefits to expand electric vehicle supply as well as overcome the Chasm phenomenon, the company explained.

KGM's electric vehicle customer support benefit is 750,000 won for Torres EVX customers, and it can be purchased at a reasonable price of 30 million won with government and local government subsidies.

As a result, Torres EVX's sales price will be KRW 750,000 from KRW △ E545.5 million after tax incentives △ E7 47.6 million. If government subsidies (3.67 million won) and local government subsidies (1.41 million won in Busan) are added, the actual purchase price will be ▲39.67 million won. Torres EVX van will be sold at △ TV5 44.38 million won △ TV7 46.29 million won, and the government and local government subsidies (1.07 million won in Busan) will be added to purchase from ▲39.04 million won. In addition to this, the Torres EVX and Korando EV, which are taxi-only models, provide additional benefits of 1.5 million won and 1 million won, respectively, making them more reasonable to purchase according to regional electric vehicle taxi subsidies.

In addition, electric vehicle models such as Torres EVX (including van) and Korando EV will operate 60-72 months instalments of 4.9% to 5.4% without advance payments, and taxi-only models will operate smart installments of 2.5% to 4.5% for 60-month installments based on advance payments (0% to 50%).

KGM also made a big decision last year to cut the sale price of Torres EVX by 2 million won to ease the burden on customers due to the government's reduction in electric vehicle subsidies, and operates the Electric Vehicle Battery Safety Compensation Program, which compensates up to 500 million won in case of fire caused by electric vehicle batteries.

Reporter Kim Hyung-joon

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.