In the new semester, a large number of illegal online advertisements and illegal distribution were detected
Mar 05, 2025
According to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's inspection of 200 posts advertising and selling food or health functional foods related to height growth from February 14 to 21, it confirmed a total of 221 violations, including 116 unfair advertising posts such as food and 105 illegal sales posts of drugs (growth hormone drugs), and quickly requested access blocking and administrative disposition.
Violations include ▲'Key growth nutritional supplements', 'Help with key growth' and 'Kickness Act'99 advertisements (85.3%) misidentifying and confusing general foods as health functional foods ▲'Key growth'10 false and exaggerated advertisements (8.6%) ▲'Key growth medicine'5 advertisements (4.3%) misidentifying and confusing foods as pharmaceuticals ▲'Mature precocious puberty' which are expressed as having disease prevention and treatment effects using one advertisement (0.9%) ▲ experience device, etc.
In addition, 105 cases of selling growth hormone drugs through illegal online platforms were also caught. ▲ 73 used trading platforms (69.5%), ▲ 14 (13.3%) ▲ 8 cafes (7.6%), ▲ 7 open markets (6.7%), ▲ 2 blogs (1.9%), ▲ 1 general shopping mall (1.0%).
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety should check the health functional food certification mark and functionality in advance so as not to be misled by unfair advertisements when purchasing food online, and should visit hospitals and pharmacies to take medicine according to the prescription and guidance of doctors and pharmacists, and should never purchase drugs that are illegally distributed online," he said.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.