Huh Kyung-hwan, "My Little Old Boy" doctor and pink.."That's bad". Bittersweet (poisoned apple)

Jul 03, 2024

Huh Kyung-hwan, 'My Little Old Boy' doctor and pink..'That's bad'. Bittersweet (poisoned apple)

Comedian Heo Kyung-hwan said "It's bad" about the result of his romantic relationship with his doctor.

Heo Kyung-hwan appeared as a special MC in SBS Plus 'Real Love Lab Poisoned Apple', which aired on the 2nd.

Jeon Hyun-moo "Yang Se-chan was away due to health reasons. That's why I brought a special MC today," he said, introducing Heo Kyung-hwan.

Heo Kyung-hwan was then asked "Are you in a relationship?" which is the official question of 'Dog Apple', and Heo Kyung-hwan was embarrassed.

When Jeon Hyun-moo sharply asked "Didn't you have a romantic relationship with the doctor most recently?" Huh Kyung-hwan waved his hand, saying "It's not a love story".

Huh Kyung-hwan responded that he had a blind date on "My Little Old Boy, and that it was a little bit of a hot topic" and said about the result of the blind date"It didn't go well."