"'Kim Soo-hyun as a child' Moon Sung-hyun, how much do you look like him?' He has a good voice and he's really handsome' is being praised ('Pyeon Restaurant')

Jul 04, 2024

''Kim Soo-hyun as a child' Moon Sung-hyun, how much do you look like him?' He has a good voice and he's really handsome' is being praised ('Pyeon Restaurant')
Photo courtesy=KBS
Actor Moon Sung-hyun recalls the time when Kim Soo-hyun was cast as a child.

In KBS2 'New Release Pyeon Restaurant' (hereinafter 'Pyeon Restaurant'), which will be broadcast on the 5th, new rising star actor Moon Sung-hyun will appear as a special MC. Moon Sung-hyun has recently drawn great attention for playing the child roles of popular male actors across movies and dramas. Moon Sung-hyun is known to have shown an honest and pleasant reaction as well as a warm appearance, raising expectations for the main broadcast of `Pyeon Restaurant.'

In the recent studio recording of 'Pyeon Restaurant', Moon Sung-hyun gave a smile by greeting him cutely with an embarrassing smile as if he was still awkward to appear on entertainment shows. Manager MC Boom introduced Moon Sung-hyun as `Actor who plays the child roles of handsome male actors these days.' Moon Sung-hyun impressed the public with his impressive performances in a variety of works, including Ji Hyun-woo's child in the drama 『Beauty and Soonjeongnam』, Nam Goong-min's child in the drama 『Cheon Doctor Extermination Research』, Kang Dong-won's child in the film 『Understanding Love』, and Yoo Yeon-seok's child in the drama 『Understanding Love』.

In particular, the drama 「Queen of Tears」, which recently ended amid the syndrome-level popularity, drew great attention as the child of the male protagonist, Kim Soo-hyun. When MC Boom asked how he felt about filming 'Queen of Tears', Moon Sung-hyun said "I was really happy when I was cast as a child of Kim Soo-hyun." He then shyly revealed the reason and made everyone listen.

After hearing Moon Sung-hyun's confession, the family members of 'Pyeon Restaurant discovered what Moon Sung-hyun and Kim Soo-hyun had in common. Chef Lee Yeon-bok said, "He has a good voice and he's really handsome", he praised Moon Sung-hyun's real beauty. You can find out why Moon Sung-hyun will stand in Kim Soo-hyun's child casting on this broadcast.

Meanwhile, KBS2 'New Release Pyeon Restaurant' will air at 8:30 p.m. on the 5th.
