'Miss Trot 3' Bae Bae Sun-hyun, is the stage disrupted by 父? 'In-ear' Lost → Sweat (Dad and I)

Jul 23, 2024

'Miss Trot 3' Bae Bae Sun-hyun, is the stage disrupted by 父? 'In-ear' Lost → Sweat (Dad and I)
'Miss Trot 3'Bae-Hyun 'Ilil Manager'Bae-Hyun is in danger of not being able to go on stage because of a major accident hit by his father.

TV CHOSUN 'Dad and Me', which will air on the 24th, depicts Bae Bae Bae-hyun's father visiting his daughter's concert hall for the first time due to living problems. Bae Bae Bae-hyun's dad said, `What I do is I can't take my time out because I don't know when the work will come in. I have to wait all the time, and when I get a call, I have to leave as soon as I get a call." Bae Bae Bae-hyun said, "(My dad) saw all the other TOP7 friends, but) the situation wasn't like that...," he said, expressing his envy in his heart.

Bae Bae Bae-hyun previously confessed "Dad helped fund his activities during his eight years of obscurity, working as a septic tank that others are reluctant to do." In addition, Bae Bae Bae-hyun and his daughter made the people cry by openly confiding in their past financially-struggling family history and misunderstandings caused by it. Nevertheless, many viewers expressed explosive support and support for the affectionate father and daughter who thought of each other.

Two months later, Bae Bae-hyun and his daughter have shared their current state of getting closer. At the same time, Bae Bae-hyun's father transformed into his daughter's daily manager, but contrary to his overflowing motivation, he made mistakes from the beginning and sweated a lot. He tried his first 'drive-through' to take care of his daughter's breakfast, but the studio was devastated by his appearance after finishing 'walking-through'. In addition, when he arrived at the performance site, he had a major accident of losing the stage necessity 'inear'. The laughter disappeared from Bae Bae Bae-hyun's face due to the unexpected situation of "100% Real".

Indeed 'Beginner Manager'Bae Hyun's father is curious about how he will overcome this difficulty and whether Bae will be able to get on the stage safely. Bae Bae Sun-hyun's father's left-handedness 'Manager Challenge' will air on TVCHOSUN 'Dad and Me' at 10 p.m. on the 24th.
