Lee Seung-chul, 'Re-marriage' ♥"You look like a Hollywood actor" exclamation ('Brand Class')

Jul 04, 2024

 Lee Seung-chul, 'Re-marriage' ♥'You look like a Hollywood actor' exclamation ('Brand Class')
Photo source=Channel A
Singer Lee Seung-chul drew attention by revealing his older wife for the first time.

In the 121st episode of Channel A 'Nowadays Men's Life-Groom Class ', which aired on the 3rd, Lee Seung-chul was shown supporting his wife's gallery opening ceremony after revealing his health routine. According to Nielsen Korea's tally, the broadcast not only recorded 2.8% (paid broadcasting households nationwide) but also gained explosive popularity and buzz by occupying various portal sites and SNS

 Lee Seung-chul, 'Re-marriage' ♥'You look like a Hollywood actor' exclamation ('Brand Class')
Photo source=Channel A
 Lee Seung-chul, 'Re-marriage' ♥'You look like a Hollywood actor' exclamation ('Brand Class')
Photo source=Channel A
Earlier, Lee Seung-cheol received a medical examination in a group with 'Girls' and 'Hormone Reversal', drawing attention. In response, he quickly told me his health routine that fits the title of the `Energy King', and the drink with 'Odi' played a part. In fact, Lee Seung-chul went into the kitchen where he took a walk with his dog early in the morning and made a healthy drink with manuka honey, cashew nuts, macadamia, ginger powder, and 'odi' in yogurt. Afterwards, he made 'Odie Smoothie' for his wife, and he also added a sweet note to show off the 'Lovely Man' aspect. Also, for my daughter, I made and set up Musubi made of handmade ham as a snack.

 Lee Seung-chul, 'Re-marriage' ♥'You look like a Hollywood actor' exclamation ('Brand Class')
Photo source=Channel A
After finishing his morning routine, he went straight to a tailor's shop. His wife had already prepared a suit for her husband, who will attend the gallery opening ceremony scheduled for the day. Lee Seung-chul was satisfied with the suit his wife ordered, and soon sent his wife a "proof photo of wearing a suit". When the 'studio mentor corps' all envied him, Lee Seung-cheol said "If Dong-wan gets married, I'll match him with a suit over there." Kim Dong-wan said "I'll definitely get married because of the suit."

After a nice makeover, Lee Seung-chul headed to Ganghwa Island, where his wife's gallery is located. Lee Seung-chul, who attended the opening ceremony, welcomed his wife's guests warmly and showed the 'truth of foreign aid' by checking the sound facilities. In particular, Lee Seung-chul's wife also appeared for the first time in 'Girl Class', and Kim Dong-wan was really impressed, saying "You look like a Hollywood actor". Since then, Lee Seung-chul has worked hard to assist his wife in the opening ceremony, and even went up to the stage to celebrate 'No one else has done thatHe sang ' out loud. While going on stage and expressing her feelings about opening the gallery, the wife gave her husband a look of "I respect you~" and "Honey Dduk" to everyone's applause. Watching this scene, Danny Ahn expressed his respect, saying, `He's a sky-high senior, but seeing him think about his family in the home, he learned to be a real husband and father.'

Meanwhile, Channel A 'Brand Class' will air at 9:30 p.m. on the 10th.
