Producer Kim Tae-ho "Why did you leave MBC? Can I enjoy it alone because I feel sorry for my juniors?" ('Question')

Jul 21, 2024

 Producer Kim Tae-ho 'Why did you leave MBC? Can I enjoy it alone because I feel sorry for my juniors?' ('Question')
'Question'Capture'Broadcast Screen Capture
Son Seok-hee, who returned to his hometown MBC after 11 years, met producer Kim Tae-ho, who left MBC three years ago.

MBC 'Question', which aired on the 20th, depicts a meeting with producer Kim Tae-ho, who visited his home MBC for the first time in two and a half years after leaving the company.

On this day, PD Kim opened up about the behind-the-scenes stories related to the masterpiece 'Infinite Challenge' and new challenges through new media such as YouTube and OTT. First of all, regarding the background of MBC's resignation, "I'm not leaving because I don't like MBC. I had a great love for MBC. But I always felt sorry in the back of my mind because I had so much fun with 'Infinite Challenge' Can I enjoy Saturday's prime time alone?' I thought that I might not be able to get the opportunity for my juniors", he confessed.

Even after leaving the company, he prepared for a long separation from the company for six months. Producer Kim said, `I thought that by then, there would be a situation where I could leave the company and do something in a new media environment"I told you in advance because the company also had to plan after my resignation. I wanted to say goodbye to the company I've worked for 20 years. Then Son Seok-hee said "I'm the only bad person. I said, "I went out the next day."

Six years have passed since its end, but 'Infinite Challenge' has been remanded through YouTube, causing a meme phenomenon called 'Infinite Challenge without nothing'. MC Son Seok-hee, who encountered a YouTube content called 「Infinite Revelation」 predicting the future, also said it was a series of surprises.

Host Son Seok-hee told PD Kim Tae-ho "Did Infinite Challenge weigh its head?"Producer Kim asked the question, "It's good to hear compliments because it's the program I've worked hard on for the most time in my life." "Based on that, my story is in progress, so I'm writing the next chapter."

Kim's personal MBTI, Son Seok-hee, and Kim PD's view of the future of Korean entertainment were also confirmed. Producer Kim is INFJ. Introverted, emotional, and planned."

When Son Seok-hee then asked producer Kim "OTT is good at investing, but they don't give him authority, right?" producer Kim asked "Isn't it very important to have authority from a producer's point of view?"I remember the American producer who came to buy the format "Infinite Challenge" in 2007. He was an employee of the producer of the `Lord of the Rings' and when he shook hands, he said, `It will take you 30 minutes to get home from the gate to the front door.' He mentioned that he was speculated to have made a lot of money as a producer.

Producer Kim said, "'He's been doing a show with Super Bowl ratings every week for years now, and how much money would he have made?' So I was surprised to hear that he was a salary man," he said.

Then "It's something I've been thinking about lately. We are trying to increase sustainability by distributing the contents we created on a suitable platform while having intellectual property rights.'

MBC Special Plan 'Question', a fun and in-depth story about the new media era, will air at 8:40 p.m. on July 20.