SBS 'Connection', which set its own record of up to 17.%, reveals how it feels to end the five leading actors

Jul 07, 2024

 SBS 'Connection', which set its own record of up to 17.%, reveals how it feels to end the five leading actors
SBS Friday-Saturday drama 「Connection" broke the connection of evil and broke its own highest ratings with the development of continuous bombs that reveal the truth, completing a hot final.

The 14th episode of SBS's Friday-Saturday drama 'Connection' (script Lee Hyun, director Kim Moon-kyo, production studio S, rich year radio award, Soul Pictures) recorded its own record of 14.8% in the Seoul metropolitan area, 14.2% in the country, and 17.1% in the same time period, while also topping all channel miniseries for 14 consecutive times from the 1st to the final episode. 2049 viewership was 4.8 percent, topping all channels and programs that aired for a week.

In this regard, Ji Sung, Jeon Mi-do, Kwon Yul, Kim Gyeong-nam, and Jeong Soon-won, the five main characters of Connection, left their final greetings to the viewers.

First of all, Ji Sung, who plays Jang Jae-kyung, the ace detective of the drug team who was forced to become addicted to drugs, said "Connection", a work that I haven't met in a long time, is a work that will be remembered a lot." I'm really disappointed that I have to let Jang Jae-kyung go now." He proved his special affection for the character. In addition, Ji-sung said about the famous scene "It's hard to pick just one. Every moment I lived as Jang Jae-kyung was precious"Connection" was a work that both staff and actors did their best to show you our own message. I hope it will be a piece that will be remembered by the viewers for a long time""I said my last words of greeting.

Ahn Hyun Economic Daily reporter Oh Yoon-jin, who chased the truth with Jang Jae-kyung (Jisung) after awakening from the golden universalism of livelihood, said, `It's so sad that it's already the last timeAlong with the impressions, the 3rd inning scene of Oh Yoon-jin and Jang Jae-kyung's bathroom confrontation was selected as a famous scene. Jeon Mi-do said "It's hard to pick just one famous scene, but I was impressed by the scene where Jang Jae-kyung, who personally knew Oh Yoon-jin had medicine, knocked on the bathroom door and asked to open it." It seems that many people could feel more about the seriousness of drugs because it seems that Jang Jae-kyung, who is addicted to drugs, is suffering from withdrawal. Then "Thank you for loving Connection."I didn't forget to thank him ".

Taejin Park Kwon-ryul, a prosecutor at the Ahn Hyun-ji Office who is an Inner Circle brain and started the Lemon Pong business with a friend for his desire, said "It still doesn't feel real to me that the work that was filmed fiercely and happily on the spot is over, and I hope it will be longer." It's sad to let you go because so many people enjoy "Connection"````````````. In addition, Kwon Yul showed off his extraordinary friendship with 'Inner Circle', saying, `There are so many famous scenes as actors showed crazy performances in each episode, but I think most of the scenes with Won Jong-soo (Kim Gyeong-nam) and Oh Chi-hyun (Cha Yeop) in the hideout are famous scenes.' I sincerely thank the viewers for watching the Taejin Park character with interest and showing great interest and love for the 'Connection' until the end," he said, expressing his gratitude.

Kim Kyung-nam, who plays Won Jong-soo, an inferiority complex that reigns among his friends as the only son of the mold group and the leader of the inner circle but is suffering from his father's recognition, said, `I've been waiting for the broadcast every week, but it's a pity to think that it's already over. I had a great affection for the people who worked with me, and it was a fun workexpressed a feeling of emotional emotion " Kim Kyung-nam said, "The most memorable scene is the training room where the classmates of Jeogang High School gather together for the first time and the hideout scenes with Jung Yun-ho (Lee Kang-wook) and Jung Sang-ui (Park Geun-rok)," adding, "It was very good when filming or watching it on TV" he explained. Kim Kyung-nam said, `Thank you to the viewers who have watched us 'Connection' with interest.'

Finally, Jung Soon-won, who is the head of the insurance company 「Tusta Holdings」 full of curiosity and affection for humans and helped Park Jun-seo's insurance and will, said, 「"I am happy and grateful that the connection received a lot of love. For a while, I think I'm going to be doing 'Connection Pain'" expressed a fervent ending. As his favorite scene, Jeong Soon-won said, "I like the Hulk Joo-song scene of saving Oh Yoon-jin in crisis" and was in sync with Heo Joo-song, who was the mood maker in the play. In the meantime, "I pray to meet such a lucky drama and thank you to everyone who loved me."left a heartwarming final greeting of ".