Defconn "In vitro procedure A child grows up in a test tube"..Kang Su-Jeong, "Are you crazy?" Tabak (Detectives' trade secret)

Aug 26, 2024

Defconn 'In vitro procedure A child grows up in a test tube'..Kang Su-Jeong, 'Are you crazy?' Tabak (Detectives' trade secret)

Kang Soo-jung, the announcer of Channel A 'Detectives' Trade Secret', went to 'Case Notebook - Mother' which deals with the kidnapping of an infant with an infertile couple.

On the 26th (Monday), the original 'Anatainer' Kang Soo-jung found 'Tambi' from Hong Kong for 'Tambi'. Kang Soo-jung expressed strong confidence in reasoning, saying, "My son Jemin chose prenatal mystery novels," raising expectations for the `Churri Big Match' of 'Yu Chok-na' VS'Chok-Su-Jeong'.

In the incident notebook, a young mother whose baby was kidnapped in front of her was depicted, causing tension. `Hong Kong Detective(?)' Kang Soo-jung radiated her reasoning power, saying `Didn't my girlfriend kidnap her child to threaten divorce?' Then "Jemin started going to the bathroom separately, but I'm so nervous. Outside the bathroom 'Jemin, are you doing well?It is said to be \", and he also showed a flurry of signs.

On the other hand, Defconn said in the video, "The in vitro procedure is not born in the mother's belly, is it?," he said, giving a laugh with the wrong question. Kang Su-Jeong "Are you crazy? Are you just saying anything?""I thought you were growing up in a test tube," Defconn said, prompting laughter. Defconn then said "In fact, he was the kid of the kidnapper. I would have tried to say, 'It was a surrogate mother contract' and concluded the theory with the help of Kim Poong, setting up a day of reasoning. When Kang Soo-jung tackled Defconn, who was on the campaign trail, saying, "'I'm better than the Hong Kong detective', Defconn drove "Don't you know Team Korea?" and gave him a laugh. Kang Soo-jung countered by saying, `I'm also Korean,' showing Defconn and 'Crazy Chemistry', causing laughter.