"May Retire from Broadcasting" Jang Sung-gyu, Director Joo Jitsu and Hyun-pi (2:1)

Aug 27, 2024

'May Retire from Broadcasting' Jang Sung-gyu, Director Joo Jitsu and Hyun-pi (21)

'May Retire from Broadcasting' Jang Sung-gyu, Director Joo Jitsu and Hyun-pi (21)
'May Retire from Broadcasting' Jang Sung-gyu, Director Joo Jitsu and Hyun-pi (21)
'May Retire from Broadcasting' Jang Sung-gyu, Director Joo Jitsu and Hyun-pi (21)
Jang Sung-gyu challenges Hyun-pi (meeting in real life and having a one-on-one duel) to the director of the Jiu-Jitsu Gymnasium.

The 15th story of KBS <2:1> will be released at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, the 28th. This week, MC Jang Min-ho and Jang Sung-kyu will travel around Noryangjin and continue to meet with those who are seeking the best timing of their lives.

MC Jang Min-ho and Jang Sung-kyu, who visited Noryangjin Station, fell in love with the opening. In particular, Jang Sung-kyu, who was a three-year student in Noryangjin, begins his journey remembering the food of Noryangjin, who was responsible for a rich meal even in the empty pocket of that time.

The place I visited was a Korean buffet led by memories. Here, the 2MC will taste a hearty meal that is not envious of the 10 side dishes and continue talking with the buffet owner. For students who come every day, the owner, who maintained the restaurant in debt despite the collapse of all the Noryangjin business districts due to COVID-19, reveals a tremendous plan (?) to meet the balance of payments to the impressed 2MC. The more you think about it, the more you pick up the tears of your heart... What is the real heart of the boss who is in charge of the meals of Noryangjin students 365 days a year?

Meanwhile, Jang Sung-kyu, who accidentally met the director of the Jiu-Jitsu Gymnasium during a meal, suddenly challenged himself, saying, "Let's get up." In response, the director may retire from broadcasting," he says, sending out a warning notice of fear. Jang Sung-kyu, who immediately visited the gym run by the director, was actually overwhelmed with screams and humiliated in the second of the confrontation. The director, who teaches police physical strength with Jiu-Jitsu, then suggests Jang Min-ho a grip strength test, one of the physical strength tests. Surprisingly, Jang Min-ho keeps his self-esteem as a good body, scoring that it is difficult for police trainees to come out at once.

Jang Min-ho and Jang Sung-kyu, who moved to Noryangjin Gosi Village, find Gosiwon with an unknown phrase 'Pob's selection'. The director of Gosiwon, who met the 2MC, will disclose his own big business rules, such as providing free five types of ramen for 24 hours and giving gold bars to the general secretary of Gosiwon who passed the exam. In addition, the appearance of director Gosiwon is similar to that of trot gentleman Jang Min-ho, which was surprising. As soon as he saw the director's face without glasses, Jang Min-ho responded slightly unwelcomely, saying "Where are you going?", drawing laughter.

Finally, 2MC moves to the coin singing room. Jang Min-ho and Jang Sung-kyu, who are looking for an interviewer among those who are relieving their study stress with songs, blindly knock on the door, but "What's going on?The cold answer " makes me lose my mind.

Jang Min-ho and Jang Sung-kyu, who have regained their minds, meet a man who is preparing for the appointment exam with his dream of becoming a teacher after several challenges. Looking at his mother, who is an elementary school teacher, he said that he has developed his dream of becoming a teacher, expressing confidence that he will definitely join the denomination next year. Will he be able to win a gold ring as a pre-service teacher who is challenging singing with his passion?
