'Winner Spoiler'Ocking didn't get 300 million won in prize money..Netflix "Everyone's hard work"

Aug 21, 2024

 'Winner Spoiler'Ocking didn't get 300 million won in prize money..Netflix 'Everyone's hard work'
The winner of the Netflix entertainment show 『The influencer" did not receive the prize money.

A Netflix official told Sports Chosun on the 21st that `Keeping the relevant information confidential before the release of the work is an important device for everyone who participated in the creation to bear fruit and deliver the intended fun to the viewers. It is also a commitment among all crew and cast members wishing for the success of the production.'"Therefore, no prize money was awarded to the winner of "The influencer" who abandoned his obligation to maintain confidentiality in his performance contract to maintain the reliability of the program and fairness between the cast members." he said.

'The influencer' has been on the chopping block even before it started due to the controversy over YouTuber Oking. It was also controversial in conjunction with allegations of involvement in the Orking Coin fraud. Choi Seung-jung, former CEO of WINNER, wrote in his personal account last month that `Oking is not simply attacking WINNER just for making money by coming back. Oking appeared on the show The Influencer, which is currently running on Netflix, and he finished recording all of it," he wrote, "You might think he's like that because of the penalty.", he pointed out. Choi Seung-jung also posted an article containing the name of the winner, saying that Ocking told him the winner while mentioning the penalty. As a result, the winner's name, the most important content of the program, became a spoiler.

Ocking violated its confidentiality obligations, which could result in a penalty, but Netflix said, `It is difficult to specify the penalty" he said.
