Prefov Success Shim Hyun-seop Meets With His Girlfriend's Parents..When is the wedding date

Aug 18, 2024

Prefov Success Shim Hyun-seop Meets With His Girlfriend's Parents..When is the wedding date

All helpers will appear for Shim Hyun-seop in TV CHOSUN 100% pure real documentary entertainment 'Joseon's Lover'.

On the 19th, Shim Hyun-seop, who has to get approval from the parents of his girlfriend Young-rim, asks Lee Yong-sik and Won-hyuk for advice. In the pre-release video, Shim Hyun-seop explains the situation, "'I have to persuade Young-rim's father now, but he's sick.'" So I invited the two of them to get important advice."

Soon after, Lee Yong-sik and Won-hyuk appeared, and the three greeted each other politely as soon as they met. Afterwards, Wonhyuk told Shim Hyun-seop "I actually know the answer. How you can get married..." was intriguing to say significantly. "How?To Shim Hyun-seop who asks ", Wonhyuk \"Attack your mother-in-law," he hinted at a great enlightenment.

Meanwhile, Shim Hyun-seop and Lee Chun-soo, who leave for Ulsan side by side by side on a high-speed train from dawn, were also revealed. When Lee Chun-soo said that his goal of this trip to Ulsan is to meet his girlfriend's parents, he said "That's a big goal." Leaving at 5 a.m., there was a reason for it," he said with a grim look.

Since then, key members of the 'Chosun Lover' production team and the representatives of Lee Chun-soo and Shim Hyun-seop's agency have gathered in Ulsan to put their heads together to achieve the goal. Lee Chun-soo said, "Yeong-rim, do you have a veranda at home? Even from afar...````````````````````````````.