Robert Harley, sex identity rumors after drug case..Myung Hyun Sook "I wanted to avoid the conversation" (Hangyul)

Sep 30, 2024

Robert Harley, sex identity rumors after drug case..Myung Hyun Sook 'I wanted to avoid the conversation' (Hangyul)
Broadcasters Robert Harley and Myung Hyun-sook first confessed to the situation of the couple separated by Robert Harley's drug case five years ago.

Choi Joon-seok of MBN 'Determined to divorce at least once' (hereinafter referred to as HANI Gyeol') went out to sleep after a big fight with his wife, Eo Hyo-in, but first, he melted the hearts of his wife and home viewers with his change and efforts to make peace, ranking No. 1 in the general program ratings at the same time.

On this day's broadcast, Choi Joon-seok and Eo Hyo-in, who have been married for 14 years, met 'Happy Ending' with the determination to overcome the 'virtual divorce' crisis and live well again. In addition, Robert Harley and Myung Hyun-sook, a married couple of `37 years of marriage,' appeared for the first time to tell what they have been up to, while immersing viewers by revealing their male mother's concerns and conflicts. According to Nielsen Korea's tally, the broadcast recorded a 3.2% rating (two paid broadcasting households), ranking first among general programming programs at the same time. In particular, it soared 0.8 percentage points from the previous week, and the highest viewer rating per minute soared to a whopping 3.8%. After returning to his home room with a regular broadcast, he broke his own highest ratings, realizing the popularity and popularity of 'Hangyul', which is getting hotter and hotter.

First of all, the story of Choi Joon-seok and Eo Hyo-in couple after 'Second Chicken War' was revealed. Earlier, the two faced a big crisis when Choi Jun-seok left home after raising their voice over the cost of eating out, which was the origin of 'Chicken'. On this day, Choi Joon-seok stayed out for the first time since getting married and took a nap at his own 'baseball class lesson hall'. In the morning, he washed his face in the public bathroom, and he screamed as soon as cold water reached the cold weather in March (when filming). The hot water didn't work, so I felt like I was going to break my headHe quickly washed his hair and confessed, `I regretted coming out of the house the most at this time.'

Eo Hyo-in was also shocked by her husband's outing and appeared uncomfortable. "No matter how big the fight, I've never left the house…"Concerned, Euh Hyo-in visited his close acquaintance, the church butler couple, after agonizing over it. Eo Hyo-in, who envied the two good couples, carefully confessed to the marital conflict, saying, "My husband struggled in his own way after receiving marital counseling, but I think it's my problem." and shed tears. The butlers advised such a good man "If you think you're going to have a big fight, I hope you don't put up with a beat and say anything hurtful."

Robert Harley, sex identity rumors after drug case..Myung Hyun Sook 'I wanted to avoid the conversation' (Hangyul)
Meanwhile, Choi Jun-seok, who finished washing his face with cold water, took an express bus to Seoul. Visiting a baseball stadium in Gimpo to film baseball content, he silently finished filming, and then met with the head of the agency and a close acquaintance to share the day's 'first meal'. In the meantime, I brought up a fight with my wife the night before, and an acquaintance named 'Ojakgyo' who introduced the two people "Hyo-in was having a hard time (due to a fight between the couple), so I called him at dawn and cried my eyes out." Even now, Hyo-in will be waiting for your call." At the same time, referring to the appearance of Choi Joon-seok, who was good to Eoh Hyo-in with all his heart in the early days of the relationship, he emphasized 'first thoughts'. He also advised "Talk more when you're with your wife". Choi Joon-seok, who had a lot on his mind, contacted his wife first, and showed a changed mindset by meeting his wife and consulting his friends about his problems. Uh Hyo-in says "Even though I left home, what's this that makes me feel grateful?"It was only then that he was relieved of his disappointment. Oh Yoon-ah applauded in relief at the appearance of the two, who made a dramatic reconciliation with Choi Joon-seok's courage, saying, "(Virtual) The first couple not to write a 'divorce agreement'", and Kim Yong-man also cheered, saying, "(This is the couple)."

After the Choi Joon-seok-Eo Hyo-in couple's 'Happy Ending', Robert Harley and Myung Hyun-sook, who newly visited 'Hangigyeol', appeared. Robert Harley, who sat in the studio with a nervous expression, greeted MC Kim Yong-man and Oh Yoon-ah after five years. Because of my mistake, even my family has had a painful time like a sinner. Now I want to be happy again, so I came out after thinking about it." Shortly afterwards, Robert Harley and Myung Hyun-sook, sitting in the 'decision chair', confessed that "we had been a weekend couple for 27 years since we got married"and that "5 years ago caused the couple to drift apart" Currently, Robert Harley was living in Gimpo with his youngest son, and Myung Hyun-sook and her second son run a foreign school in Gwangju, but they came to Gimpo on the weekend and the whole family is spending time together.

After a while, the weekend routine of Myung Hyun-sook's husband and youngest son came up to the Gimpo house was revealed. Myung Hyun-sook, who woke up early in the morning, woke her husband up, but Robert Harley was annoyed, saying, `Stop being such a bad person.' "My wife's biggest problem is nagging," he said. "Everything is nagging, starting with eating." In fact, the wife disapproved of her husband's breakfast, which was covered with butter on the bread, and said "Eat some vegetables as well", but Robert Harley pretended not to hear it. In this regard, Myung Hyun-sook was diagnosed with neurological cancer in 2020 after "My husband "It happened". Cancer kept me from eating for a few months. I'm still undergoing regular check-ups, and I have to keep managing my diet, but I keep eating only sweets." Although he regained his health with the care of his wife and family, Robert Harley said at the table where his two sons were eating together, "Are you mocking your father in front of the children?" he roared.

In the chilly air, the two clashed again over the house-cleaning problem and the household economy's toughness after 'what happened five years ago'. Myung Hyun-sook "I've been quiet because of your health, but now I'm at my limit. Don't you have to work, too?Robert Harley responded, `How can I get a job when I'm 64?' and Myung Hyun-sook responded, `I don't think school would have been this difficult if it hadn't been for five years ago. Isn't the impact quite significant?" brought out the couple's 'Guardian'.

Soon after, Robert Harley interviewed the production team, saying, `In fact, after the incident, there were agencies that I had to compensate for, there were commercials that were coming out, and I had to pay back three times the down payment. There was a lot of money going out.

Myung Hyun-sook said, `I didn't actually believe it when I answered the phone. 'What's wrong with my husband? There's no reason for that?I thought ' The sky fell. I wanted to ask why they made this work like this," he said.

Robert Harley asked why "Why did my wife do drugs " But I think explaining for a reason only continues to hurt if you talk about it in depth. I don't think it's going to be solved."

Robert Harley and Myung Hyun-sook said they did not talk about the drug case. Myeong Hyun-sook "I wanted to avoid it. It was so hard for my body and mind to get so many malicious comments and unimaginable rumors. I couldn't speak and swallowed a lot inside", he confessed.

Robert Harley will be sorry for his family until he dies. Nevertheless, I don't want to talk to my family about 'that thing' anymore.'

Kim Yong-man told Robert Harley "There were quite a few rumors at the time. There were issues of gender identity, and there were many things, but they were all rumors. But it's true that he used drugs. I don't think the two of you have talked about it."

In response, Robert Harley responded "I don't think my wife wanted to talk to any degree, nor did I. Why did you do it. It's just that life collapsed because of the weak-minded moment."

He then shed tears, saying "I feel like I've become a burden to my wife."