'SM Trotdol's face finally revealed. A boy group member →'The Glory's child, and the visuals'Hyododol'('Jinsin sis')

Sep 14, 2024

'SM Trotdol's face finally revealed. A boy group member →'The Glory's child, and the visuals'Hyododol'('Jinsin sis')
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TV CHOSUN's new entertainment program 「Fanning a Trotdol: The Sister of the Heart」 properly announced the start of the SM Trotdol project through the 「Prelude of Love」, which was introduced ahead of the first full-fledged broadcast.

TV CHOSUN's new entertainment program "Fanning a Trotdol: Jinsung Sister" (hereinafter referred to as "Jinsung Sister") is a fan-heart support project in which five people who are serious about being a fan write "Shinin Trotdol" and read "My Singer" together to support their rise to superstars." Produced by SM C&C and aired on TV CHOSUN, MC Lee Young-ja, Song Eun-i, and Kim Sook presented the Prelude to Love for the first time with Taei, Jung Yoon-jae, Shohei, Lim Chae-pyeong, and Seo Woo-hyuk on the 13th, ahead of the full-fledged broadcast in October.

Lee Young-ja, Song Eun-i, and Kim Sook, who mistook the recording for a blind date, drew laughter by dreaming of a perfect blind date. Kim Sook boasted that she was confident when the three of us went on a blind date, while Lee Young-ja raised a 'defeated theory', saying, `I heard that I have a unique talent.' In addition, Song Eun-yi revealed her dry daily life when she asked 'When is your last blind date'There was no time in the 21st century'

At this time, the visuals of the five men were released for the first time and caught the eye at once. The girls are embarrassed by their fresh and shiny appearance, saying, "The blind date guys are prettier than us." Aren't they dolls?", "Does such a person exist?", adding laughter by questioning the blind date itself.

Their identities were none other than Taei, Jung Yoon-jae, Shohei, Lim Chae-pyeong and Seo Woo-hyuk, members of the Trotdol Project, which was organized by SM and Trot Myungga TV Chosun in partnership to create a new wind in the trot world. In particular, on this day's broadcast, the members' narratives were revealed with their respective keywords, drawing attention.

'SM Trotdol's face finally revealed. A boy group member →'The Glory's child, and the visuals'Hyododol'('Jinsin sis')
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Tae was introduced with the keyword '#LostSungdae'. Tae-yi, who was the center and main vocalist of the boy group Mr., went through a major ordeal in her life after the team was disbanded after about five years of activities in Japan, experiencing sudden cardiac arrest and unconsciousness. In particular, he managed to recover his broken vocal cords during the airway intubation process and participated in the "Mr. Trot 2" and passed the master audition with All Heart, but was unable to concentrate on the stage due to his father's sudden illness and was eliminated from the 3rd medley team mission.

Then, Seo Woo-hyuk's narrative with the keyword "#Song Hye-kyo's Bad Guy" was released. Actor Seo Woo-hyuk, who debuted as the child of Son Myung-oh in the mega-hit drama `The Glory" while studying in China during his school years, dreamed of acting and even won the title of a scholarship to be granted to his parents as an actor. Woo Do-hwan, a close actor senior, took the mound and cheered for Seo Woo-hyuk, who is about to take on a new challenge as a trotter in a promising acting player, and Seo Woo-hyuk "I'm a one-shot person. I'll bring good luck to this team..." he said, giving the team positive energy.

A rare figure in the trot world, 'foreign member', also appeared. Shohei, a Japanese man with the title of '#SMRookies', practiced dancing and rap positions for about six years, but his dream of debut was frustrated due to difficulties in performing intense choreography due to a herniated disc. Shohei returned to Japan and began laughing to soothe the empty mind, and he revealed his artistic temperament by unfolding a world of high-quality works only by self-study. Shohei, who received a proposal for a trot-dol project, considered converting to the genre, but chose to go to Korea again because he could not give up his dream of becoming a singer.

Lim Chae-pyeong was introduced under the keyword '#Golden 'Debt'My Life'. Lim Chae-pyeong became indebted due to his father's business bankruptcy and continued his dream of becoming a singer by working hard in living. Among them, Lim Chae-pyeong, who appeared on 'Mr. Trot 2', did well enough to receive two consecutive all-hearts, but failed to control his condition while working and appearing at the same time, and later said he took about a year to recover his health. Lim Chae-pyeong, who took the opportunity to be a trot-dol project, broke the news to his mother, and the mother's tears for her son made viewers as well as her sisters' noses touch.

Finally, actor Jung Yoon-jae, who put out the keyword '#A man who is not in my house', boasted a sweet side opposite to his masculine appearance. Jung Yoon-jae, an all-around sportsman and a steady son who succeeded in entering a prestigious university despite difficult family circumstances, drew a happy smile by living with his mother, sometimes like a friend, sometimes like a lover. In addition, the appearance of Jeong Yoon-jae, who said that it is a filial piety and a gift to fulfill the dreams of a father who dreamed of becoming a singer and a mother who likes to sing, predicted the birth of 'Hyododol'.

Lee Young-ja promised with Song Eun-i and Kim Sook on the finger, saying, "Let's do 's sincere sister' as the title of our program," at the appearance of a trot stone with a five-member, five-colored narrative that is attractive and touching. Song Eun-yi also said, "I think I heard a song made of Jinguk, which is really dark. I'm looking forward to seeing how these friends with narratives that their peers haven't experienced will unravel the song and stage in the future", and appeared to have been properly hit by the 'Deoktong accident', making us expect the sisters' full support for the five trot stones in the future.

At the end of the program, their first performance was briefly released, drawing attention, along with the recent status of the new trotters. From the popular composer Cho Young-soo who produced 'If the standards are not met, I will consider replacing the membersThe appearance of the trot stones, frightened by the declaration, predicted a difficult period of growth for them in the future. At the same time, the trotters, who were given a mission to decorate the stage with Nam Jin's 'nest', performed in front of their No. 1 fans, Lee Young-ja, Song Eun-i, and Kim Sook, through bleeding practice, creating an exclamation with a stage that was more sophisticated than expected but did not miss the excitement and taste of trot. As a result, questions about how the five trotters who began their journey for the `trot superstar' and Lee Young-ja, Song Eun-i and Kim Sook, who will sincerely support them, will show on the show rise vertically.

TV CHOSUN's new entertainment program 'Helping a Trotdol: Jinsin Sister' is scheduled to premiere in the first week of October for TV CHOSUN and SM Entertainment's partnership.

정빛 기자 rightlight@sportschosun.com
