>'Wonhyuk ♥'Lee Soo-min confesses to being pregnant at 父 Lee Yong-sik's confession'He's been in the hospital for four weeks' Impressed ('Joseon's Lover')

Sep 22, 2024

'Wonhyuk ♥'Lee Soo-min confesses to being pregnant at 父 Lee Yong-sik's confession'He's been in the hospital for four weeks' Impressed ('Joseon's Lover')
Photo courtesy=TV CHOSUN
'Joseon's Lover'Lee Soo-min and Won-hyuk and his wife share the news of their first child's pregnancy.

In the pre-released video of TV CHOSUN 'Joseon Lovers' to be broadcast on the 23rd, Lee Yong-sik tells the production team about the process of obtaining his only daughter, Lee Soo-min, after an eight-year period of infertility. There must be a cause for him " But there's nothing wrong with it. I don't have to use medication...Just waiting. It's waiting," he confessed of his feelings about infertility. Please let my eldest daughter have a baby...Both houses went crazy. Pray...That's why he was born." He said Lee Soo-min was born after a lot of prayers from both families.

'Wonhyuk ♥'Lee Soo-min confesses to being pregnant at 父 Lee Yong-sik's confession'He's been in the hospital for four weeks' Impressed ('Joseon's Lover')
Photo courtesy=TV CHOSUN
Lee Yong-sik's precious only daughter, Lee Soo-min, who was born after eight years of marriage, introduced her lover Won-hyuk to her father through 'Joseon's Lover' and cried the wedding march of tears. Later, Lee Soo-min and Won-hyuk talked about the second-generation plan "I want to have a child soon." he once said.

On this day's broadcast, Lee Soo-min and Won Hyuk and Lee Soo-min's parents, Lee Yong-sik and Kim Yu-won, will reveal their pregnancy for the first time. Lee Soo-min, who sat opposite his parents saying he had something to say, said "I just went to the hospital to check. It's been four weeks. Four weeks...," he said, bluntly, but the two of them "What the...?"I was just puzzled. The reaction of Lee Yong-sik and his wife, who became 'preliminary grandparents' after hearing the news of their precious only daughter's first child pregnancy, will be revealed on the main broadcast.

Meanwhile, TV CHOSUN 'Joseon's Lover' will air at 10 p.m. on the 23rd.
