Columbia's behind-the-scenes story was revealed in a surprise move...Song Joong-ki and Choi Hwa-jung are announcing honest talks (I'm Choi Hwa-jung)

Dec 26, 2024

Columbia's behind-the-scenes story was revealed in a surprise move...Song Joong-ki and Choi Hwa-jung are announcing honest talks (I'm Choi Hwa-jung)

Actor Song Joong-ki meets with broadcaster Choi Hwa-jung and has a pleasant and honest time.

Song Joong-ki will appear on YouTube channel 'Hello, I'm Choi Hwa-jung' at 7 p.m. on the 26th to present a variety of talks. This appearance was decided to promote the movie 'Bogota: Land of Last Chance', which will be released on the 31st.

Song Joong-ki and Choi Hwa-jung are expected to show off their all-time chemistry by having a conversation that crosses joy and sincerity. In particular, attention is focused on the behind-the-scenes story of filming the Colombian location and Song Joong-ki's affectionate story about the work.

Meanwhile, the film 'Bogota: The Land of the Last Chance' is a film about the fierce lives of those who run while dreaming of success in Bogota, an unfamiliar land. Actors who boast solid acting skills, including Song Joong-ki, Lee Hee-joon, Kwon Hae-hyo, Park Ji-hwan, Cho Hyun-chul and Kim Jong-soo, are drawing high expectations.

Song Joong-ki and Choi Hwa-jung's rich talk can be found on the 26th at 7 p.m. 'Hello, I'm Choi Hwa-jung', and the movie 'Bogota' will be available in theaters on the 31st.