In the true story of Channel A's life-oriented detective drama 「Detective 24:00」, which aired on the 9th, 「Detective 24:00」, which was the first request for the broadcast of 「Baekho Detectives」, which joined as a new face, 「Getting a power of attorney for bereaved families from an unknown ex-husband」 was completed in tears. The client's ex-husband was a father who lost touch for 20 years after sending his three sisters to nursery school and divorcing his wife. The father was shocked to hear of the death of his youngest daughter, who lost her life in her boyfriend's 「Date Murder」, but he wanted to meet his first daughter"After hearing the sincerity of ", eventually, a place with his first daughter was arranged.
The father and first daughter, who met in tears for the first time in 20 years, poured out old emotions. My father was so heartbroken after sending " I wandered around the destination. As time goes by..."It's a bad dad, really...I'm sorry...It's really..."I handed over the apology I couldn't finish. The old father and daughter's love for each other was impressive. The father readily signed the request for the survivors' relief money and broke up with the promise of the next meeting. Later, the client learned from the detective that the year his youngest daughter died, his ex-husband also collapsed due to cerebral infarction. He "The youngest really wanted to see his dad. I think the youngest connected me to the last one, and I shed tears.
Meanwhile, Lee Kwang-min, a psychiatrist who is known as an expert on 'factual' and 'healing', came as a guest on 'casebook-mother to her daughter'. The true story of this day began with the request of a woman who became self-reliant after she was entrusted to a nursery school as a child. However, as a result of the detective's investigation, the mother and daughter were already 'Mother and Daughter Scammers', and rumors were rampant among those around them. In addition, it was revealed that the daughter had contacted her mother until recently.
As it turned out, the client's daughter was thirsty for the affection of her mother, who came to her arbitrarily only when she had no money, and participated in the fraud. When the daughter became independent from the nursery after receiving self-reliance subsidies, the mother and daughter began living together for the first time. However, one day, the mother stole the deposit from the room without her daughter knowing, sold all the houses, and ran away, causing anger. Defconn is " and…That's Mi-X woman, not all of her parents because she gave birth to her." When I asked the detective, the daughter was in a state of wandering around the jjimjilbang without a certain residence. The client may not report to the police. Because of her mother's fraud, she said she couldn't come out for long if she went in this time. She expressed regret for her mother, causing regret.
When the detective learned of the situation, he began to investigate by mobilizing all his connections mainly to the gambling center to find his mother. Eventually, the mother, who appeared at the house gambling center, confronted her daughter after the detective threatened her. He throws a bunch of money at his daughter and "Get this money and get out of the way! And don't ever contact your mom again!," he said, showing a hostile attitude. The client "I didn't come to find my mother either. I came to find my money," he retorted, giving him a 'cider'.
However, it was revealed shortly afterwards that the client's mother purchased a car using a mobile phone opened under her daughter's name and a certificate in her daughter's tablet. The detective was convinced that he would be in debt in his daughter's name. Also, the mother borrowed tens of millions of won from dozens of places, including the second financial sector, by utilizing her daughter's credit to the maximum. Finally, the client who confronted the mother alone said, `How much money do you have! Go bankrupt!I had to hear the ridiculous story ".
Only after learning that even the client's life insurance 'Mom' was the recipient, the client cooperated with the detective's police report. A year later, the client went to college for his dream, and the mother was confirmed to go to prison due to numerous crimes. Specialist Lee Kwang-min "In fact, both are addicts. The mother is gambling, the daughter is addicted to the mother, and "People can't save people. You have to cut it off without looking back."