Lee Se-young, Nine-woo, and Kim Tae-hyung, unexpected three-way face-to-face in the hotel room...The first love story begins to change
Jan 12, 2025
In the second episode of MBC's Friday-Saturday drama 'Motel California', which aired on the 11th, Kang Hee (Lee Se-young) returned to Hana-eup, where she had completely stopped visiting due to Yeonsu's grandfather's funeral, and faced Yeonsu, who was completely different from 10 years ago. However, Kang-hee built a new relationship called Seok-kyung (Kim Tae-hyung) and Ye-soo Nan-woo (Choi Hee-jin), raising interest in the story of their first love.
Kang-hee, who visited the mortuary of grandfather Yeonsu on the show, was rebuked by her classmates in Hana-eup, who had been bitter rivals since childhood. Kang-hee responded by pouring Yukgaejang on his head when he was baptized with soju during a verbal fight with Kim Heon-yeol (Yoon Seung-woo), who was provoking his complex. Yeonsu, who received the soju bottle thrown by Kim Heon-yeol instead of Kang-hee in anger, punched Kim Heon-yeol, who threatened Kang-hee, and the funeral hall quickly turned into a chaos. As a result, Kang-hee became the main character of the disturbance in front of the people of Hana-eup, but she felt a subtle excitement at the appearance that Gomtaeng, who she had always had to take care of, turned into a reliable man who protected her as well as a warm visual.
Kang-hee, who returned to Seoul again, received a phone call from her former client, Seok-kyung, while continuing her humble unemployment. Kang-hee recalled a memory she had forgotten while telling Seok-kyung the news of her resignation. On the day he was fired from Moment, drunk Kang-hee met Seok-kyung and showed her design draft, which she had not shown yet. Surprisingly, however, what Kang was waiting for was a reversal of circumstances with Mok (Cho Sang-ki), who fired Kang in defiance of her. Seok-kyung and female friend Esther really liked Kang-hee's design proposal, and Mok suggested Kang-hee to join Moment and sell the design proposal. However, Kang-hee turned down the proposal from the head of the wood office in a good way, and proudly withdrew from the project, ignoring all of the individual contracts with Seok-kyung. Instead, Kang-hee decided to be friends with Esther, who liked her design sense and personality, and succeeded in gaining people.
At the same time, members of Hana-eup's 'Gang-hee (Kang-hee Family)' asked about the recent situation of Kang-hee, who reunited after 10 years, and raised interest in Kang-hee. In particular, Areum (Lee So-yi), who was Kang-hee's best friend, kept in touch with Kang-hee again and continued the bond that had been cut off, and through such beauty, she learned about Kang-hee's recent status. In the meantime, Yeonsu accidentally helped Nanwoo, who was rescuing animal experimental dogs, and in the process, Nanwoo learned that the senior, called the legend of the veterinary department, was Yeonsu, and raised his envy. Nanwoo, who confirmed that Yeonsu is solo through Arum, who works as a library librarian, began to develop a favorable impression by planning a date with Yeonsu on Christmas.
Meanwhile, on Christmas Day, Kanghee attended Esther's wedding, who became friends. After seeing Esther in her wedding dress, Kang-hee carefully imagined a wedding with Yeonsu. At the same time, it was none other than Hwang Jung-gu (Umhwa Mi-hwa), the director of Moment, who made Kang-hee excited once again. Jeong-gu told Kang-hee that he quit the moment and formally proposed a partnership, raising expectations for Kang-hee's new step as an interior designer. Kang-hee then also encountered Seok-kyung, who had been secretly interested in her, and when Seok-kyung suggested that she go to the after-party with her, as if she was scheduled to go on a date, she said, "I have someone to meet at the hotel"I said no at once.
In response, Kang-hee headed right to the hotel to wait until the appointment time with Chun-pil, and again encountered Seok-kyung, who was enjoying drinking alone. Kang-hee, who decided to join Seok-kyung in the end, told Seok-kyung "There's a man who claims my ownership because of alcohol. I want to get away from him now. Can I use Seok-kyung?" asked. The plan was to make Seok-kyung a fake boyfriend in front of Chun-pil. Surprisingly, however, the man who was waiting for Kang-hee in the hotel room was Yeonsu, not Chunpil, and Kang-hee could not hide her surprise at the unexpected appearance of Yeonsu.
On the other hand, as soon as Yeonsu encountered the two, he remembered his relationship with Seok-kyung, who was imprinted in his memory. At the age of 21, Yeonsu recklessly searched for convenience stores in Seoul after hearing that Kang-hee was working part-time at a convenience store in Seoul, and on the day she finally found Kang-hee, she saw the Seokgyeong at the convenience store where she worked. Seok-kyung came forward to help Kang-hee while she was embarrassed by the appearance of Kang-hee, who is strongly verbally abusive and abusing her power against the convenience store president, and Kang-hee, who only found Yeonsu who came to her, returned Yeonsu in a cold manner.
On the other hand, Seok-kyung couldn't remember what happened with the two of them, and to make matters worse, Seok-kyung, who mistook Kang-hee for Yeon-soo, hugged Kang-hee in front of Yeon-soo and handed it over to me. I'll take care of Ji Kanghee now"The bombshell sparked a tense war of nerves. As a result, the emergence of Seok-kyung and Nan-woo raises interest in what kind of perceptual change will occur in the pink first love narrative of Kang-hee and Yeon-soo, who reunited for the first time in 10 years.
Meanwhile, the ratings of the broadcast were 3.8% nationwide (hereinafter referred to as Nielsen Korea) and 3.6% in the Seoul metropolitan area. Among them, Kang-hee's highest ratings rose to 5.0% in the scene where she thanked Seok-kyung and Esther (Seo Ye-hwa) for protecting her self-esteem as an interior designer.