"Daughter stupid" Han Seok-jun watches the mother's desperate story of finding her son who disappeared as a guest.
Detective's true story in Channel A detectives' trade secrets, which will air on the 3rd, is looking for his sonHan Seok-joon, a representative brain-sexy man in the announcer world and a best-selling author, will appear. Yoo In-na worried about Han Seok-jun, "You must be busy giving lectures and publishing books, but you don't have time with your daughter."
In response, Han Seok-jun said, "When you have time, you don't play with your child, but you set the time with your child first and do the rest."
When Defcon X Yu In-na was moved by the appearance of Han Seok-jun, the model father himself, Han Seok-jun "Because he gave birth late." How precious would it be?" he said, expressing his affection. Kim Poong, who has a son who is now turning three years old, especially 'storm sympathy' Then, Han Seok-joon hurriedly formed a club, saying, "Let's make one 'old father club' and share parenting." When Defconn laughs "I'm jealous," Han Seok-joon laughs "You just have to come after him," he said, soothingly.
On the other hand, the real-life reconstruction corner 'Case Notebook' began with the appearance of a mother client who found her missing son and posted a flyer. The son disappeared about a month ago, but everything remained in his house as if he had been away for a while. The client confirmed his son dragging his carrier into a shopping mall with CCTV, but could not find him leaving the mall. When I got goosebumps, Han Seok-joon said, "It suddenly became a thriller?"I was embarrassed. Kim Poong is also a mystery game after a while," he said, overindulging himself.