Benjamin's best pitch made manager Lee Kang-chul laugh..."Very, very good pitching"

Jul 03, 2024

Benjamin's best pitch made manager Lee Kang-chul laugh...'Very, very good pitching'
Samsung-KT match held at KT Wiz Park in Suwon on the 29th. With Samsung leading 7-1 in the bottom of the fourth inning, the game, which was suspended due to rain, was eventually canceled. Smiling director Lee Kang-chul. Suwon = Reporter Jeong Jae-geun /2024.6.29/
"He pitched so well."

Wouldn't everything be explained by KT Wiz coach Lee Kang-chul's one word.

KT won a 3-2 victory over the Hanwha Eagles at Hanwha Life Eagles Park in Daejeon on the 3rd. A one-point victory for two consecutive days. It won six straight games and sealed its fifth consecutive Winning Series.

Benjamin was at the heart of the victory. Benjamin threw 97 pitches in seven innings that day, blocking Hanwha's batters with three hits, two walks and eight strikeouts. I threw a mixture of fastballs, cutters, sliders, and curves, but there was no shortage of either ball. Both ball and ball control were perfect.

It was obvious that he gave a walk to the leadoff hitter in the first and second innings, but he overcame the crisis himself. And he didn't allow any hits until the fifth inning. He was on the verge of a crisis with one out and runners on first and second base with his first consecutive hit in the seventh inning, but roared by treating pinch hitter Chae Eun-sung with a foul fly.

KT, which Benjamin completely blocked seven innings and won by one point with the concentration of the batters and Park Young-hyun's performance. Coach Lee Kang-chul smiled big after the game.

"Benjamin pitched very well in his last appearance in the first half," Lee said," he said with a thumbs-up. He used the word "too much" twice and praised it.

Manager Lee continued, "Benjamin was shaken in the beginning, but he regained his balance and created a tight pitching match with Ryu Hyun-jin."," he added in approval.