'Coach Cho Sung-hwan's farewell match, Mugosa equalizer' Incheon, leading Gimcheon, 1 to 1 draw...We've lost three games in a row.

Jul 05, 2024

'Coach Cho Sung-hwan's farewell match, Mugosa equalizer' Incheon, leading Gimcheon, 1 to 1 draw...We've lost three games in a row.
'Coach Cho Sung-hwan's farewell match, Mugosa equalizer' Incheon, leading Gimcheon, 1 to 1 draw...We've lost three games in a row.
'Coach Cho Sung-hwan's farewell match, Mugosa equalizer' Incheon, leading Gimcheon, 1 to 1 draw...We've lost three games in a row.

Recently, Incheon has been sluggish with three consecutive losses and three draws and four losses in seven games. He suffered from the main players' line injuries and transfers. Coach Cho expressed his intention to resign to the team taking responsibility for poor performance, and the club accepted the resignation after much consideration on the morning of the 5th. Four years after taking office in August 2020, he gave up his baton. In a pregame interview, he said he hopes his resignation can be a turning point for a reversal."I couldn't sleep because I had mixed feelings."Everyone should throw away all their selfish thoughts and go all-in."I'll leave the water in every game and cheer and pray for Incheon to do well."

'Coach Cho Sung-hwan's farewell match, Mugosa equalizer' Incheon, leading Gimcheon, 1 to 1 draw...We've lost three games in a row.
Cho Sung-hwan's last game, farewell match, and Incheon players came out determinedly. In the 29th minute of the first half, a decisive scene came out in Incheon. Immediately after Kim Dong-heon, the goalkeeper of Gimcheon, threw himself to block Mugosa's powerful header, Lee Jong-wook cheered when he pushed the second ball, but offside was declared. It was an away game, but Gimcheon, the No. 1 player in the league, was strong. Lee Dong-kyung, a left-footed ace from Ulsan, showed flashes of movement throughout the first half. In the 25th minute of the first half, the exclusive left-footed mid-range shot slightly missed the post. In the 36th minute of the first half, the body shaking Incheon's defense was also threatening. In the 39th minute of the first half, Park Sang-hyuk's header following Mo Jae-hyun's laundry line cross that hit the right side of the box broke through the net. Mugosa's header crossed the post in the extra time of the first half. Gimcheon finished the first half with a 1-0 lead. Incheon scored four shots, one effective shot, Gimcheon six shots and two effective shots.

At the start of the second half, Incheon coach Cho Sung-hwan tried to make changes by putting Oh Ban-seok and Kim Bo-seop out of Delbridge and Baek Min-gyu. Manager Jeong Jeong-yong of Gimcheon put in Yoo Kang-hyun instead of Lee Dong-kyung. Hong Si-hoo in the 6th minute of the second half and Mugosa Incheon in the 12th minute of the second half failed to shoot. Incheon, which seeks a comeback goal, Gimcheon, which seeks an additional goal, and Iljin and Iljin, a hot battle continued. In the 15th minute of the second half, Gimcheon put Choi Ki-yoon instead of Mo Jae-hyun. In the 20th minute of the second half, Incheon Kim Gun-hee's surprise mid-range shot went high. In the 26th minute of the second half, Kim Cheon Sang-hoon's shot was blocked by Incheon goalkeeper Lee Bum-soo. Incheon Oh Ban-seok's header missed in the 30th minute of the second half. In the 43rd minute of the second half, the head of Incheon's one-top Mugosa flashed. Incheon fighter Shin Jin-ho responded with a header of his soul to the cross. Mugosa roared right after shaking the net with his 10th goal in the league. They hugged Cho Sung-hwan, the head coach of the bench, and said goodbye. In the extra time of the second half, Incheon Oh In-pyo missed a decisive chance and held his head. Incheon drew 1 to 1 with Gimcheon, the leader. It was a valuable point to break Incheon's three consecutive home losses.

Gimcheon maintained its lead with four undefeated games and 40 points, following three consecutive wins against Gangwon, Daejeon, and Daegu. Incheon, which was desperate for victory more than ever, escaped from the nightmare of three consecutive losses against Pohang, Jeju and Gangwon. Director Cho Seong-hwan, who led Incheon's "The Flower and the Flower."The difficult four-year journey has come to an end.
