'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro

Jul 06, 2024

'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro
'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro
Spain defeated Germany to advance to the semifinals.

Spain beat Germany 2-1 in the quarterfinals of Euro 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany, on the afternoon of the 5th (local time).

Germany came out with a 4-2-3-1 model. Havertz is on the front line. You, Gundoan and Musiala formed the second line of attack. Cross and Chan participated in the second round of waist. Four Bags were built by Raum, Ta, Rudiger and Kimmich. Neuer stepped up as the goalkeeper.

Spain also opted for a 4-2-3-1 format. Simone defended the goal. Carvajal, Le Normand, Laporte and Cucureya made the four-back. Rodri and Lewis stood at the second line of waist. Ramin Yamal, Pedri and Williams were at the forefront of the attack, and Morata was at the forefront.

'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro
'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro
As soon as the game began, Spain took its first shot. Williams caught the ball on the left side of the penalty area. And then crossed. Morata grabbed it and gave it back. Pedri shot as it was. The goalkeeper caught it.

A variable occurred in the first four minutes. Spain launched a counterattack. In this situation, Cross broke off for a foul. Pedri fell. Pedri tried to get back on his feet and play. But six minutes he fell again. I was no longer in a condition to play. In the end, Pedri was replaced in the 8th minute. Dani Olmo is in.

Spain hit a mid-range shot in the 12th minute after Williams caught the ball in the midfield. In the 13th minute, Olmo grabbed it and tried to hit it. Rudiger fouled it off. Rudiger was warned. Yamal directly connected this with a free kick. Slightly missed the goal. In the 17th minute, Lewis shot Yamal's ball. It went over the goal.

Germany's Kimihi crossed from the right in the 21st minute of the first half. Havertz connected this with a header. It was blocked by goalkeeper Simone. Spain responded with a surprise mid-range shot by Laporte in the 23rd minute.

In the 34th minute of the first half, Havertz stabbed a good through pass. Kimmich caught and crossed. He was blocked by the goalkeeper. 35 min Germany had a chance. Rudiger posted. Havertz grabbed the ball in front of the gate and shot it. He was blocked by the goalkeeper.

Then, in the 36th minute of the first half, Williams, who dug into the back space, shot past Rudiger. Neuer blocked it.

In the 39th minute of the first half, Olmo hit the shot after catching the ball in the midfield. Neuer blocked it. Morata grabs and gives away. However, the shot was not connected. In the 45th minute of the first half, Yamal beat the other with his individual skill and hit a mid-range shot. Neuer caught it.

'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro
'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro
Ahead of the second half, both teams were fortunate to replace the players. Spain took out le Normand and added nachos. Germany excluded Chan and you, but added Birch and Andrich.

Spain scored the first goal in the seventh minute of the second half. Olmo rushed through Yamal's pass and connected it with a shot inside the gate to create a goal.

Germany, which conceded the first goal, continued to attack. In the 12th minute of the second half, Germany took out Raum and Gündogan. Fühlklucamitested was added. He threw an early game. In the 15th minute of the second half, Birz hit a shot in front of the arc circle and deflected off Kukureya's body. Spain also took out Yamal and put in Ferran Torres in the 18th minute of the second half. It was to strengthen the speed during counterattacks.

Germany took a chance in the 25th minute of the second half. Kimmich put it up. Fülklück gave up and Andrich's shot came out in the second line. Goalkeeper Unai Simone blocked. In the 26th minute of the second half, Havertz had a chance inside the gate. Havertz hit a shot. Carvajal blew himself away. In the 32nd minute of the second half, Germany missed a chance. Kimihi's pass went to Birtz on the right. Fühlkruk rushed in and shot as it was. I hit the post.

In the 33rd minute of the second half, Spain left out Williams and Morata and put in Merino and Oyarzabal. Then Germany took out the batting in the 35th minute of the second half and put Müller in. In the 37th minute of the second half, Musiala shook the defense and hit a left-footed shot. I missed the goal.

In the 38th minute of the second half, Germany had another chance. Spain goalkeeper Simone made a kick miss. Havertz snatched it in the middle. Havertz caught the ball. I saw the goal and hit a lobbing shot. It went over the goal.

Spain hit a left-footed shot in front of the arc circle in the 39th minute of the second half. It went over the goal. Germany broke a free kick in the 41st minute of the second half. Cross kicked the ball correctly. Havelz attempted a header shot. Goalkeeper Simone blocked.

Germany scored a dramatic equalizer in the 44th minute of the second half. Mittelsted crossed from the left.Kimihi dropped this with a header. Birtz shook the net with a right foot shot.

In the end, the game between the two teams went into extra time.

'Olmo 1 goal-1 help' Spain wins 2-1 over Germany! advance to the semi-finals of the Euro

In extra time, Spain increased its possession. Germany curled up and aimed only at counterattacks. In the first five minutes of extra time, Olmo attempted a surprise mid-range shot. I got hit by the defender and went out.

In the first 10 minutes of extra time, Musiala crossed after digging into the left side. Unai Simone hit it. Andrihi shot a backward ball. It went over the goal. In the 12th minute of extra time, Spain left out Luis and put Hosselu in. It was the last replacement. Spain tried to shoot Oyarsabal's left foot in the 14th minute of extra time. Slightly missed the goal. Then Germany broke down the left line in the first half of extra time. The cutback pass came out. Birtz shot as it was. Slightly away from the goal.

The second half of overtime has begun. Musiala shot in the first minute of the second half of extra time. It hit the hand of Kukureya. Referee Anthony Taylor, however, did not declare a foul. In the third minute of the second half of extra time, Fühlkruk, who received a pass from Birz, tried to shoot as it was. He got out of the way of the goal. Oyarsabal shot in the 6th minute of the second half of extra time. He got out of the way of the goal. In the 12th minute of the second half of extra time, Fühlkruk connected the ball raised by Kimmich with a header. Goalkeeper Simone blocked.

Spain scored the winning goal. It was 14 minutes in the second half of extra time. Olmo made a sharp cross. Merino connected with a header and shook the net. Carvajal blocked Germany's attack with a foul that was willing to leave in the second half of extra time.

The final whistle blew. In the end, Spain advanced to the semifinals.
