Southgate England coach"has continued to improve during the tournament"

Jul 14, 2024

Southgate England coach'has continued to improve during the tournament'
Southgate England coach'has continued to improve during the tournament'
[London (UK) = Egan Sports Chosun.COM reporter] England coach Gareth Southgate expressed confidence ahead of the Euro 2024 final.

England will play Spain in the Euro 2024 final in Berlin, Germany on the afternoon of the 14th (local time). A day before the single-round match, Southgate opened his mouth.

He first praised Spain. "He owns the ball well and is straightforward when he attacks." That's why it's sharper." "Spain also has good defense as a team. He also cautioned that he tried to narrow down the space by pressing forward.

England also had a secret plan against such a team. Southgate said "We have to do better when we have the ball" he analyzed. And then "There's no doubt that we've developed throughout this tournament"It was good before the quarterfinals. He was solid when he had the ball, and he made a goal chance under pressure. We can do it again"I was confident of my victory.