'Han Jong-moo Theater Goal' Jeju, 'Ilryu Chenko Multi-goal + 1st place in score'3-2 victory over Seoul'7th place Jump'

Jul 06, 2024

'Han Jong-moo Theater Goal' Jeju, 'Ilryu Chenko Multi-goal  1st place in score'3-2 victory over Seoul'7th place Jump'
'Han Jong-moo Theater Goal' Jeju, 'Ilryu Chenko Multi-goal  1st place in score'3-2 victory over Seoul'7th place Jump'
Jeju United caught FC Seoul, which is doing well.

Jeju won 3-2 with Han Jong-moo's theater goal in the 21st round of the 'Hana Bank K League 1 2024' held at Jeju World Cup Stadium on the 6th. Jeju, which has been in a slump of one win and four losses in the last five games, rebounded by catching Seoul, which had won three consecutive games at home. It moved up to seventh place with 26 points. Seoul's unbeaten streak, including the Korea Cup, stopped in five games.

Jeju went 3-4-3. Yeo Hong-kyu, Seo Jin-soo and Hayes made a three-top. Ahn Tae-hyun and Kim Tae-hwan stood on the left and right, and Kim Gun-woong's Lee Hae-ro was in the center. Jung Un Yeon-jeun Lim Chang-woo made up the three-back. Kim Dong-joon defended the goal.

Seoul fought back 4-2-3-1. Ilyuchenko was at the forefront, and Kang Sung-jin, Lingard, and Clinical Cooperative were in the second line. Ryu Jae-moon and Lee Seung-mo kept the center. Kang Sang-woo, Kim Joo-sung, Kwon Wan-gyu, and Choi Jun kept the four-back. Baek Jong-beom wore goalkeeper gloves.

Seoul took the opportunity as soon as it started. Within a minute, Lingard stabbed the clinical cooperative on the left. The cross of the clinical cooperative was connected to Kang Sung-jin, who was penetrating. Kang Sung-jin finished by jumping in, but was blocked by Kim Dong-joon's good defense. Jeju, which overcame the crisis, scored the first goal. Seo Jin-soo, who received a sensational backheel to the breakaway, fired a fantastic turning shot. The ball headed low and fast to the goal. It led to a goal.

There is a variable. In nine minutes, Seoul made a replacement. Kang Sang-woo collapsed due to his injury. Instead, Lee Tae-seok went in. Seoul missed the equalizer opportunity. In the 15th minute, Lee Seung-mo sprayed an amazing lobbing pass. Ilyuchenko jumped in and shot. Kim Dong-joon blocked it with a fantastic save.

In the 24th minute, Jeju scored an extra goal. Lim Chang-woo intercepted a pass to Lingard and fired a right-footed mid-range shot. He shook the Seoul net as he drew a great trajectory.

'Han Jong-moo Theater Goal' Jeju, 'Ilryu Chenko Multi-goal  1st place in score'3-2 victory over Seoul'7th place Jump'
A variable has occurred. It was off the ground. One of the spectators collapsed. The medical staff of both teams entered the stands and took care of them. Eventually, the crowd headed to the hospital by ambulance. Since there is no ambulance, the resumption of the game has been delayed. The first-half extra time was given 12 minutes.

In the 51st minute, Seoul's Choi Joon fired a powerful right footed shot. Slightly off the net. Just before the end of the first half of Jeju Island, he showed a great passwalk. Hayes caught and connected with a powerful right footed shot, but it went off the post.

At the beginning of the second half, Seoul excluded Kang Sung-jin and Lim Sang-hyup and added Han Seung-gyu and Cho Young-wook. In the second half, Seoul's offensive was fierce. Lingard fired a sharp shot for a long time. It came to fruition in the end. In the 7th minute, Lee Tae-seok's cross from the left was finished with a great header by Lee Il-Chenko.

A bad news broke out in Jeju. Kim Gun-woong sat down in the 11th minute. Kim Dong-joon sent a sign that he couldn't play. Jeju made a tactical change by putting Hong Joon-ho, Han Jong-moo and two others out of Hayes in the 13th minute. Seoul's attacks continued. Lee Tae-seok, who overlapped in the 15th minute, fired a left-footed shot from an angled spot. He was out after getting hit by the defense.

In the 17th minute, Lee Seung-mo hit a great mid-range shot in front of the arc. The deflected ball headed for the goal, but goalkeeper Kim Dong-joon blocked it nicely. 25 min Seoul made another change. Lingard was removed and Palosevic was added. 26 min Seo Jin-soo missed a good chance. Kim Tae-hwan's cross connected to Seo Jin-soo, who was standing alone in the box. Seo Jin-soo connected to volley shooting. It's up.

In the 27th minute, Seoul brought the game to square one. Ilyuchenko, who received a through pass from Palosevic, took the opportunity to face the goalkeeper. A powerful left-footed shot hit goalkeeper Kim Dong-joon and was sucked into the goal. Ilyuchenko took the lead in scoring with his 11th goal.

In the 35th minute, Seoul made a winning move. I put Ronaldo without Lee Seung-mo. I changed it to a two-top card. 37 minutes Jeju seemed to have a chance. The moment Seo Jin-soo trapped a cross from the right, he collided with Kwon Wan-kyu, who was running from behind. The referee immediately communicated with the VAR office. I conducted an on-field review. However, it did not lead to a penalty.

'Han Jong-moo Theater Goal' Jeju, 'Ilryu Chenko Multi-goal  1st place in score'3-2 victory over Seoul'7th place Jump'
40 min Seoul's mistake led to Jeju's chance. Seo Jin-soo, who intercepted Seoul's build-up miss in the box, fired a powerful shot. Baek Jong-beom blocked it. In the 42nd minute, Hong Joon-ho hit a left-footed shot after beating a defense in front of the arc. Again, Baek Jong-beom's good defense caught him.

Jeju, which had been gaining momentum, scored a goal that led again. In the 43rd minute, Seo Jin-soo broke through the center and stabbed Han Jong-moo, and Han Jong-moo scored with a left-footed shot after peeling off the defense with a nice touch.

Jeju left out Seo Jin-soo and Lim Chang-woo in the 46th minute and put in Kaina Jeon Sung-jin. It was Kaina's debut. Kaina tried a powerful left-footed shot in extra time. I got hit and went out. Jeju increased the intensity of the pressure and even connected Ahn Tae-hyun's shot. It didn't fit properly. In the end, the game ended with a 3-2 victory for Jeju.
