Lee Jung-hyun 'Ace Gravity' Korea lost to Japan 80 to 88. Why did Korea struggle with Kawamura-Hokinson 2 to 2

Jul 07, 2024

 Lee Jung-hyun 'Ace Gravity' Korea lost to Japan 80 to 88. Why did Korea struggle with Kawamura-Hokinson 2 to 2
(Seoul = Yonhap News) On the 5th, the Korean basketball team Lee Jung-hyun is attempting to attack in the first game of the Softbank Cup against Japan at Ariake Arena in Tokyo. The Korean national team beat Japan 85-84 on the day. 2024.7.5 [Provided by the Japan Basketball Association (JBA). No Resale and DB]

 Lee Jung-hyun 'Ace Gravity' Korea lost to Japan 80 to 88. Why did Korea struggle with Kawamura-Hokinson 2 to 2
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Lee Woo-suk of the Korean national basketball team tries to shoot in the first game of the Softbank Cup against Japan at Ariake Arena in Tokyo on the 5th. The Korean national team beat Japan 85-84 on the day. 2024.7.5 [Provided by the Japan Basketball Association (JBA). No Resale and DB]

Korea lost to Japan.

South Korea lost 80-88 to Japan in the second round of the Softbank Cup at Ariake Arena in Tokyo on the 5th.

South Korea, which won the first game by 85-84 and one point, lost in the second game, but did well and shot a signal of generational change.

South Korea has formed the national team mainly with new players under the age of 24 in this tournament. In addition, since Ra Gun-ah, he has not been able to decide on a naturalized player. Byun Jun-hyung, who was injured in the first game, also missed the day.

On the other hand, Japan is composed of the best, including main center Josh Hawkins. However, Japanese ace NBA leaguers Rui Hachimura and Utah Watanabe did not play on the same day in the second game following the first game.

▶ First half

Japan used a double post. In addition to the main center Hawkinson, Watanabe Shue, who is 2m7, was also appointed at the same time.

In the beginning, Japan strategically focused on targeting under the basket. However, Korea gained momentum with Lee Jung-hyun's under-the-goal breakthrough and Yoo Ki-sang's three-run second shot.

South Korea with a 10-5 lead. However, in Japan, Hawkinson hit a three-run shot by Pick & Pop, and he also scored a consecutive shot under the basket by an offensive rebound. Lee Jung-hyun fought back with a deep three, but Japan chased him little by little.

South Korea actively targeted Japan's Achilles tendon. Japan, which does not have Watanabe and Hachimura, does not have good heights of 2, 3, and 4. To be precise, there are mismatches in positions one or two. South Korea made superb use of the screen mismatch.

Yang Jae-min hit the bottom of the net with a one-on-one score, and Lee Won-seok broke through the net with a sharp cut-in. This attack was also a pass by post-up using mismatches. Japan attempted a scram switch that instantly changed its defense when a mismatch came out, but South Korea's offense did not miss the moment. In addition, Lee Won-seok even gained the basket count with a strong breakthrough from the outside. In addition, South Korea's defensive performance was quite good. It cut off Japan's movement from the force of pressure. In the end, it finished with a three-point lead in the first quarter of 22-19.

Lee Jung-hyun was a strong player in the first round. It surpassed Japan's proud Kawamura Yuki and Togashi Yuki. It was all like that in the airlift. Japan seemed to be aware of this and tried a momentary double team when Lee Jung-hyun caught the ball. However, Lee Jung-hyun connects to Lee Won-seok at that moment. Lee Won-seok hit a three-run homer.

The problem was Japanese big man Hawkinson. Korea was on the rise, but Hawkinson easily shot under the basket after catching the offensive rebound. And two free throws by breaking through fouls. It was not easy to stop Hawkinson from Korea's position without naturalized players.

It was a part of why it was pointed out that the core of Japan's electric power was Hawkinson. 25-23, chasing by two points. However, after receiving the screen, Lee Jung-hyun hit a three-point game.

Lee Jung-hyun used an inverted 2-2 while walking the screen this time as the defense marked closely in the next attack. In a moment, two Japanese defenders flocked, and Moon Jung-hyun broke through and got a free throw.

It was the moment when Lee Jung-hyun's ace gravity (a gravitational phenomenon in which defenders are concentrated) shone. Moon Jung-hyun's basket count and the game's three-point score also burst, widening the lead to 36-27, nine points.

However, Kawamura moved in Japan. A superb assist to Hawkins. Seven points in a row with an outside pass. In the end, he allowed a 36-37 upset. Kawamura even hit the floater with a sharp spin move.

In the end, he finished the first half with a lead of 39-43, four points.

Certainly, the movement of Korea's young players was good. Strong internal and external pressure, and offensive patterns using mismatches. Lee Jung-hyun's presence, which has become a perfect ace, shone.

However, there were also weaknesses. In an instant, a loophole was revealed in the 2-2 defense, and Kawamura of Japan actively utilized this part. In particular, Ha Yoon-ki did not match the drop-sung defense and Lee Won-seok did not match the guard's 2-2 defense, and neither did Moon Jung-hyun. In addition, Japan succeeded in turning the tables under the basket without naturalized players as Hawkinson scored a putback by rebounding at every important juncture. South Korea fought well, but there were loopholes in defense, and Japan, without Hachimura and Watanabe, was not as strong as expected.

▶ Second half

Korea succeeded in three points cleanly after Yoo Ki-sang received a staggered screen (two screens). However, Kawamura's movement was not controlled. Kawamura's three consecutive runs were also scored.

In an instant, the gap widened to 42-51, nine points.

South Korea's movement has slowed. The physical burden and activity began to decline. There was a regret that there was no Byun Jun-hyung. Japan continued to have Kawamura and Hawkinson's two-to-two. It was 58-42, up to 16 points.

In addition, Ha Yoon-ki goes to the bench due to injury as he gets tangled up with Hawkins. However, South Korea has stepped up external pressure. Lee Won-seok broke through the basket with an exquisite handoff fake.

Yoo Ki-sang steals from Japan's fast-attack situation. It led to Lee Won-seok's dunk fastball. Lee Woo-suk's spin move broke through the basket. 57-66, chasing by nine points. In the end, Japan ended the third quarter with a lead of 68-57, 11 points.

In the fourth quarter, South Korea's concentration was revived. In the fast attack situation, Lee Jung-hyun's three points broke out. Japan's operational time.

In Japan, Hawkinson was also the center. a goal under the basket. And Tominaga, who is considered Japan's best shooter in the fastball situation, hit a three-run homer. However, Lee Jung-hyun immediately responded with a three-point shot.

South Korea neutralized Japan's attacks with strong pressure. However, Kawamura got the basket count with another sharp breakthrough.

However, Korea also broke through Yoo Ki-sang's under-the-goal breakthrough and Lee Jung-hyun's three-point shot led to 83-77 with 1:40 left in the game. However, this time again, Hawkinson broke the chase with consecutive under-the-goal breakthroughs.

In the end, Korea fought well, but lost.

It was two consecutive games against Japan, which saw the hope of a generational change. Japan did not have Hachimura and Watanabe. There were no two definitive aces. However, naturalized players Hawkins and Kawamura played normally.

In Korea, there were no key players such as naturalized players, Kim Sun-hyung, Heo Hoon, Choi Jun-yong, and Song Kyo-chang. However, Lee Jung-hyun was indomitable to a certain ace. Lee Jung-hyun not only scored strongly but also gained the upper hand in the showdown with the Japanese guard with his outstanding defense. In addition, Byun Joon-hyung, Moon Jung-hyun, Lee Woo-suk, Ha Yoon-ki and Lee Won-seok threatened Japan by showing solid defense with strong activity.

However, there were also complementary points. For now, there was not enough big man to mark Hawkinson one-on-one. The reason why naturalized players are needed. On top of that, Kawamura's breakthrough momentarily tore the defense, and Hawkinson connected the gap to a large score. Ha Yoon-ki and Lee Won-seok struggled in this part, but it is because of the defensive weakness pointed out in the league. Ha Yoon-ki shows drop-like movements in a 2-2 defense, and Lee Won-seok is certainly inexperienced in responding after the switch. As this tournament has shown sufficient potential, if it is supplemented in the future, the 2-2 attack centered on Kawamura can be prevented more efficiently. If naturalized players are deployed and the 2-2 defense organicity is further improved, Kawamura's success rate of breaking through can be further lowered.
