'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!

Jul 14, 2024

'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
Suwon FC had a thrilling six-game home victory.

Suwon FC drew 2-2 at home against Daegu FC in the 22nd round of Hana Bank K League 1 2024 at Suwon Stadium at 7 p.m. on the 14th.

'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
Kim Eun-joong, Suwon fFC Director
'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
▶ Line-up

-Suwon FC (4-2-3-1) = Ahn Jun-su (GK) / Jang Young-woo - Kwon Kyung-won - Choi Kyu-baek - Lee Yong / Son Joon-ho - Lee Jae-won / Andersson - Yoon Bitgaram - Jeong Seung-won / Ji Dong-won

-Daegu FC = Choi Young-eun (GK)/Kao-Park Jin-young-Kim Jin-hyuk/Hongcheol-Park Se-jin-Hwang Jae-won-Jang Jang Sung-won/Park Yong-hee-Edgar-Go Jae-hyun

'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
▶ Overall

Suwon FC coach Kim Eun-joong saved Lee Seung-woo as the 'King of Suwon' and Daegu coach Park Chang-hyun saved the 'King of Daegu' Cesinha on the bench. Suwon put Ji Dong-won at the forefront and Daegu put Edgar at the forefront. Coach Kim Eun-joong started Yoon Bit-garam and Son Joon-ho at the same time for the first time this season. Yoon Bit-garam, who scored a masu-gal goal in the previous match against Gimcheon, rose to the second line, and Son Joon-ho stood as a double volanche with Lee Jae-won.

Ji Dong-won and Yoon Bit-garam, who tasted the goal side by side against Gimcheon, were active from the beginning. Yoon Bit-garam's first shot hit the post in the second minute of the first half. In the 9th minute of the first half, Son Joon-ho's non-stop shot, which took over Ji Dong-won's cross toward the center of the box, penetrated the back space and crossed the crossbar. Ji Dong-won, who took over Lee Yong's kill pass in the 24th minute of the first half, rushed to the goal past the opponent's defense, but the shot failed. Offside declared.

Suwon was ahead of Daegu in all aspects, including first-half share and performance.

Shortly after the free kick failed in the 38th minute of the first half, Suwon goalkeeper Ahn Jun-su hit Daegu Park Yong-hee's sharp shot in the 39th minute of the first half. It was a super save. Ji Dong-won's desperate head flashed throughout the 42nd minute of the first half when it was 0-0. Ji Dong-won's header, which took over Andersson's cutback cross, was sharp. Ji Dong-won's second consecutive goal, 'Help King'Anderson's 10th assist. Players such as Ji Dong-won and Lee Yong showed off their powerful teamwork by showing Ronaldo's exclusive `Wow' ceremony as a group.

Andersson's pass, which cut off Daegu's counterattack in the 43rd minute of the first half, headed for Ji Dong-won again. Ji Dong-won's shot went to the right. Daegu's ensuing attack and Park Se-jin's shot, which took over the pass of late Jae-hyun Hwang Jae-won, missed. In the second half of extra time, Andersson had a decisive 1-1 chance to score an additional goal, but his shot was blocked by Daegu goalkeeper Choi Young-eun. Second ball Jung Seung-won and Yoon Bit-garam's shots were missed one after another. Suwon finished the first half with a 1-0 lead. Suwon overwhelmed Daegu with 9 shots and 6 effective shots.
'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
'Ji Dong-won 2G consecutive goals X Kwon Kyung-won's equalizer'Suep, 2 to 2 draws with Daegu...K League 1's first 6 home games unbeaten!
Kwon Kyungwon K League 100 games
▶Second half

Daegu, which curled up at the start of the second half, stepped forward as if determined. In the eighth minute of the second half, Daegu's equalizer was fierce. The main character was Edgar, who coach Kim Eun-joong said before the game that he couldn't stop him even though he knew it. Edgar, who stole the ball immediately after Suwon's defensive mistake, was responsible for the start and finish of the chance. Edgar, who took over Hwang Jae-won's gate cross, stretched his legs and shook the net. the third goal of the league. In the 11th minute of the second half, shortly after the 1-1 balance, Daegu increased its offensive by excluding Jang Sung-won and putting in Cesinha. He made it clear that he would turn the tables. Cesinha's shot, which took over Ko Jae-hyun's cross in the 14th minute of the second half, was wonderful at the post. In the 19th minute of the second half, coach Kim Eun-joong also threw a winning move. Instead of Ji Dong-won and Jung Seung-won who played a lot, Lee Seung-woo, the "King of Suwon" who shook off his hamstring injury by taking three games off, and Ahn Byung-joon, the "original ace" who returned to Castle Park after four years, entered the ground side by side. "Lee Seung Woo!" "Ahn Byung Jun!" There was a wave of hot shouts.

However, Daegu's come-from-behind goal was scored in the 20th minute of the second half, shortly after the replace. Sejinya's pass 'Sejinya' Park Se-jin lightly pushed it in. Suwon, which allowed the turnaround, tried to change its offense and defense by putting Kang Sang-yoon and Kim Tae-han instead of Lee Jae-won and Choi Kyu-baek in the 24th minute of the second half. He expressed his will to never lose in his home turf. In the 27th minute of the second half, Daegu made it clear that it would protect the victory by putting in Lee Yong-rae and Jung Jae-sang without Edgar and Park Se-jin. Suwon put Noh Kyung-ho instead of Son Joon-ho in the 30th minute of the second half. Suwon goalkeeper Ahn Jun-su blocked Cesinha's sharp shot in the 34th minute of the second half. Suwon veterans' last-minute fighting spirit to protect their home turf shone. Kwon Kyung-won's header following Lee Yong's cross in the 44th minute of the second half, shortly after Suwon Ahn Byung-joon's header missed in the 42nd minute of the second half, was sharp. He celebrated 100 K League 1 games with an equalizer.

Suwon Sharpball, which did not lose at home, drew 2 to 2. He achieved five undefeated games (3 wins and 2 draws), six undefeated games (4 wins and 2 draws) at home, and the most undefeated record since entering the K League 1. With 38 points, he remained in fifth place, matching fourth-place Gangwon.

Reporter Jeon Young-ji sky4us@sportschosun.com
