K-League-Wangsan Green Signs Business Agreement to Improve Stadium Lawn Quality

Jul 26, 2024

K-League-Wangsan Green Signs Business Agreement to Improve Stadium Lawn Quality

K-League-Wangsan Green Signs Business Agreement to Improve Stadium Lawn Quality
K-League-Wangsan Green Signs Business Agreement to Improve Stadium Lawn Quality
The Korea Professional Football Federation and Wangsan Green have signed a business agreement to improve the quality of grass at K-League stadiums.

Wangsan Green is a company specializing in the design, construction, and management of natural grass stadiums, and is in charge of grass construction and consignment management of 12 K-League stadiums, including Cheonan Stadium, which won the first Green Stadium Award this year, as well as Daejeon World Cup Stadium, Suwon World Cup Stadium, and Tancheon Stadium.

Both companies signed this business agreement to improve the grass growth environment and grass quality at K League Stadium. The main agreements include finding ways to improve the quality of grass at K-League stadiums, collaborating with Wangsan Green-Federal Facility Improvement Group (FDG), and training of lawn managers at K-League stadiums.

In addition, the federation will work with Wangsan Green to carry out mid- to long-term research and development projects to improve the quality of K-League grass, such as research and development of new grass varieties and soil, conducting lawn cultivation projects, and benchmarking overseas lawn management.
