Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia"Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? "If you make a great offer..."

Jul 11, 2024

Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
Photo =Capture the Bayern Munich homepage
Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
ReutersYonhap News
Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
ReutersYonhap News
Kim Min-jae declared his stay in Bayern Munich, rejecting Saudi Arabia's offer, but there was a claim that he might still leave.

Germany's Bayern Strike reported on the 11th (Korea time) 'Kim Min-jae stayed in Bayern Munich and rejected several offers'

Kim Min-jae has recently been involved in the transfer rumors along with the names of various teams, from Italy to Saudi Arabia and major European clubs.

The possibility of a loan transfer to Italy's Serie A Inter Milan was a sign. Italy's Gazeta Delo Sport said there is a possibility that Kim Min-jae will be in the transfer market. Inter Milan leaders have already watched Kim Min-jae since the summer of 2022. Inter Milan can seduce Kim Min-jae. This is an ideal environment for Kim Min-jae to leap forward again in Serie A, and a team that appreciates his value. It's the best place for a Napoli-era outstanding centerback to come back.

Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
ReutersYonhap News
Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
ReutersYonhap News
Soon after, Saudi interest spread. Germany's TZ said 'Kim Min-jae was recently offered by the Saudi club. One of them is Cristiano Ronaldo's team Alnasr and Nacho Fernandez's transfer Al-Kadissiya, 'Kim Min-jae was able to earn much more in salary for two clubs than Bayern. But Kim Min-jae immediately rejected Saudi Arabia. A move to Saudi Arabia is not currently a consideration at all. Clubs from England, Spain and Italy also showed interest. Manchester United also put him on the list but pushed for a move to Matthias Diricht, and Atletico Madrid also put him on the list. It is also popular in Juventus. However, the transfer is not in Kim Min-jae's plan,' he said, explaining that Kim Min-jae wants to stay in Bayern despite Saudi Arabia's huge salary offer and European big clubs' interest.

Kim Min-jae is currently receiving an annual salary equivalent to 12 million euros (about 17.9 billion won) from Bayern. With an annual salary far beyond this, it is likely that it was a very large contract proposal that was difficult to imagine. However, Kim Min-jae rejected Saudi Arabia's offer immediately and chose to stay in Bayern. It seems that he wanted to remain at Bayern and prove it more than a huge salary.

Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
ReutersYonhap News
Bayern Strike also received inquiries from Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. But he did not consider the option of leaving Bayern. Bayern also expects Kim Min-jae to be in the squad next season. Kim was not satisfied with her situation, but she decided to return to the starting lineup.

However, he claimed that Bayern left room for the transfer. Bayern Strike said 'Bayern is not ready to give up Kim Min-jae this summer. He is in director Kompany's plan. Kim Min-jae will be at Bayern unless he receives a huge offer' He explained that Bayern could be persuaded by the huge proposal.

Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
APYonhap News
Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
APYonhap News
Some media also reported that Bayern may have set a starting price that can be sold in the transfer market, although there are thoughts on Kim Min-jae staying.

Pichahes of Spain said, "'Kim Min-jae can leave Bayern in one season' Bayern considered selling Kim Min-jae. The starting price will start at 50 million euros (about 75 billion won). This decision may open the door to other clubs. The next few months will be a crucial time for Kim and Bayern and could have a significant impact on Kim's career and Bayern's plans,' he claimed.

However, if there is no truly overwhelming offer, the transfer is unlikely to be made. Florian Flettenberg, a reporter with Germany's Sky Sports who is already familiar with the news of Bayern, also said, "'Kim Min-jae has no intention of leaving Bayern and wants to stay. 'The contract is valid until 2028' said Kim Min-jae will stay.

In addition, even if Bayern decides to sell, if it fails to persuade Kim Min-jae, the transfer drive is likely to be meaningless. Kim Min-jae's contract with Bayern is still four years away until summer 2028.

Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
APYonhap News
Kim Min-jae, who turned down the 'shock' Saudi Arabia'Ultra-large proposal', still has the 'number of cases of leaving' even in the Remain declaration? 'If you make a great offer...'
APYonhap News
Kim Min-jae has already expressed his strong will to stay. In a season-ending interview, he played with faith as a defender. But there was an internal conflict here because those qualities were not required.'

However, Kim Min-jae often hesitated about these issues because he could not play with confidence during the game. I worked hard to show you what the director wanted"I should have done a better job of doing the director's demands tactically, but I didn't always do that. I understand. As a player, whether you make mistakes or do well, you have to know what you are good at and what you are bad at in the field," he said, adding that he should have fully understood Tuchel's criticism and done better on his own.

Kim Min-jae also strengthened his will to play more in the next season based on the disappointment of this season. "It's a season that I'm not personally happy with, and I have to improve further next season. At the end of the season, I always have a lot of thoughts. What I did right, what I lacked, and what I needed. It is also important to make mistakes and learn from them when weaknesses are seen. It is important to reflect on everything well to be able to compete at a high level as a player. I'm going to get stronger next seasonApart from the transfer rumor that he will leave Bayern after a year, he expressed his determination to rebound so that he can play more.

Even if Bayern left some room for a transfer, Kim Min-jae has no intention of leaving the team for the time being. Kim Min-jae's performance in the next season will depend on Bayern's transfer market plan and whether Kim Min-jae will continue his life in Bavaria.