'Son Heung-min is sharp in 45 minutes' Tottenham wins 5-1 away from Hurts

Jul 18, 2024

'Son Heung-min is sharp in 45 minutes' Tottenham wins 5-1 away from Hurts
[Tynecastle Park (Edinburgh, England) = Egan Sports Chosun, reporter] Tottenham won the away game in Hurts. Son Heung-min started and played 45 minutes in the first half. He showed good condition by creating sharp chances. However, there was no offensive point due to the opponent's goalkeeper's good defense.

Tottenham won the pre-season match against Hurts 5-1 at Tynecastle Park in Edinburgh, Scotland, England on the afternoon of the 17th (local time).

Tottenham came out with a 4-2-3-1 format. Son Heung-min stood at the one-top. The second line of attack was built by Solomon, Madison and Johnson. It was followed by Bissouma and Klushevsky. With Skip and Gray at center back, Donley and Porro played as left and right fullbacks. Austin defended the goal. Hurts featured Gordon, Kent, Oyegoke, Grant, Oda, Devlin, Falls, Forrest, Danda, Tagawa and Taylor.

'Son Heung-min is sharp in 45 minutes' Tottenham wins 5-1 away from Hurts
Tottenham took the lead in the game. Tottenham put pressure on their opponents by increasing their possession. Son Heung-min dribbled in the 7th minute of the first half and hit a left-footed shot in front of the arc circle. He was blocked by the defender. In the 17th minute of the first half, Madison tried to shoot in the penalty area. He got out of the way of the goal.

Hurts added strength to the counterattack. In the 19th minute of the first half, he attempted a sharp header right in front of the gate. Austin made a super save. In the 21st minute, Tagawa, who was right in front of the gate, connected Taylor's cross from the right side with a right half-volley shot. He got out of the way of the goal.

Tottenham also created a chance. Son Heung-min made a 2-1 pass with Klushevski in front of the goal and then went in front of the goal. Shot but was blocked by goalkeeper Gordon.

In the 33rd minute, Hurts called in Kent. It was due to concerns over worsening injury. Instead, I put in Halkett. Hurts created the best chance. He went on a counterattack in the 37th minute of the first half. Taylor crossed. Tagawa shot right in front of the gate. He got out of the way of the goal.
'Son Heung-min is sharp in 45 minutes' Tottenham wins 5-1 away from Hurts
Tottenham scored the first goal in the 39th minute of the first half. Johnson finished with a goal following Madison and Kulushevsky's passes. 41 min Tottenham counter-attacked. Solomon struck from the left. He crossed. Son Heung-min's touch was long. Unfortunately, I was out. In the ensuing attack, the prisoner's shot crossed the goal.

Ahead of the second half, Tottenham changed all 11 players. The team allowed a tie even before it was even overhauled. Shankland scored in the first minute of the second half. Tottenham have reorganized. I saw it again. In the 10th minute of the second half, Lancashire scored a goal in front of the gate. Tottenham got ahead. It kept driving. In the 15th minute of the second half, Moore's shot following Lancashire's backheel came out of the gate. It went over the goal. Tottenham scored one more goal in the 21st minute of the second half. Veribal poked a through pass after catching Bo. Moore shook the defense after receiving the ball, shot, and shook the net. In the 27th minute of the second half, Spenser scored another goal for Tottenham.

After that, Tottenham continued to go on the offensive. Hurts defended it with a hand-to-hand defense. Phillips scored another goal in the 41st minute of the second half. The final whistle blew. Tottenham won lightly.
