Rep. Jin Jong-oh X Sports Ethics Center 'Sports Governance Ethics-Strengthening Fairness Forum'Celebration

Jul 22, 2024

Rep. Jin Jong-oh X Sports Ethics Center 'Sports Governance Ethics-Strengthening Fairness Forum'Celebration
Representative Jin Jong-oh's office and the Sports Ethics Center under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Chairman Park Ji-young) completed the Forum on Strengthening Ethics and Fairness of Sports Governance'.

The forum, held at the National Assembly Hall in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 22nd, was co-hosted by Jin Jong-oh, a member of the People's Power, and the Sports Ethics Center. With Kim Hong-sik, chairman of the Korea Sports Philosophy Association, participated in the event, including Ko Jin-hyun, former editor-in-chief of Sports Seoul, Kwak Jung-hyun, vice chairman of the Korea Women's Sports Association, Kim Dong-hwa, professor of sports education at Chungnam National University, lawyer Shin Yong-rak (chairman of the future planning committee of the Korea Sports Association), Lee Hyun-ok, a sports critic for the disabled (former head of the Icheon Training Center of the Korea Sports Association), and Cho Hyun-joo, a senior researcher at the Korea Sports Policy Science Institute of the Korea Sports Promotion Agency.

Rep. Jin Jong-oh X Sports Ethics Center 'Sports Governance Ethics-Strengthening Fairness Forum'Celebration
Jin Jong-oh, member of the People's Power
Rep. Jin Jong-oh X Sports Ethics Center 'Sports Governance Ethics-Strengthening Fairness Forum'Celebration
Park Ji-young, Chairman of the Sports Ethics Center
Rep. Jin Jong-oh X Sports Ethics Center 'Sports Governance Ethics-Strengthening Fairness Forum'Celebration
'Emperor of Shooting' Rep. Jin Jong-oh said in his welcoming speech that `Today's July 22nd is meaningful. It is meaningful to hold the first forum at the beginning of my legislative life. This forum is a place to explore the way forward for sports governance to secure ethics in the sports world. It is important to preserve the essence of sports, and the future of sports is bright when healthy relationships between leaders and athletes are maintained. In this sense, the forum is timely and the role of the sports ethics center in the future is also important. "Our office is pushing for an amendment to the National Sports Promotion Act to support and strengthen the authority of the Sports Ethics Center as bill No. 2". I hope today's forum will be an opportunity to further strengthen the ethics and fairness of our sports community."

Park Ji-young, chairman of the Sports Ethics Center, said, "This forum is an important place to improve fairness in sports governance. There are still many blind spot athletes, although awareness of human rights violations in the sports community has increased." I wondered why they were withdrawing from the sports community without reporting irregularities or unfair practices. A forum was set up to solve this problem. I hope that this forum will explore practical and diverse measures. We hope that effective measures will be prepared to build a healthy sports ecosystem."

Rep. Jin Jong-oh X Sports Ethics Center 'Sports Governance Ethics-Strengthening Fairness Forum'Celebration
Presenter and debaters then diagnosed the reality of sports governance of sports organizations and suggested the direction the sports community should take in the future to secure fairness and independence of the Sports Fair Commission and the Legislative Punishment Commission.

Ko Jin-hyun, former editor-in-chief of Sports Seoul, emphasized the need to secure fairness in sports governance, pointing out the fact that various disputes in the sports world eventually become judicial due to the failure to implement speed, severity, and certainty, which are the three elements of crime suppression, after pointing out the structural problems of Korean sports, which are weak fairness, and the current Sports Fair Committee.

In the discussion that followed, the panelists said, "Independent operation is essential for the Korea Sports Council and the Sports Fair Committee of the sports organization to gain the trust of athletes, leaders, referees, and employees, but it is difficult to secure independence and fairness as it is delegated to the chairman at the board of directors and the general meeting of representatives, and the chairman commissions the chairman and members"For fairness, the Sports Ethics Center should prepare a system to secure independence and objectivity through human resources support through a third organization, such as training regulations and articles of association by receiving applications from experts such as athletes, lawyers, and professors in each sport." gave an opinion such as. In addition, as recommended by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission in December last year, the need to subdivide ambiguous disciplinary and sentencing standards (heavy disciplinary = expulsion, dismissal, demotion, suspension of qualification, suspension of participation, light disciplinary = reprimand, salary reduction, etc.) was also raised. Discussions also continued on strengthening the autonomy and self-purification capabilities of sports organizations, a close complementary system between the Sports Ethics Center and the Sports Fair Committee to secure independence and fairness, and the establishment of a fair system where no one is discriminated against. As the targets discussed by the Sports Fair Committee are underdogs regardless of gender, status, or physical conditions, it is necessary to look back on whether there is an independent, fair and objective institutional arrangement in place to ensure that no one is wronged. "As the sense of ownership and ethics and fairness based on self-purification are the most important, I hope that the search for policy directions that establish formal and content systems related to ethics and fairness in the sports community will be carried out properly."