'Shock' Director Lee Jung-hyo's passing, Um Ji-sung's transfer negotiations without the director's knowledge → Exclusive rights to agents

Jul 04, 2024

'Shock' Director Lee Jung-hyo's passing, Um Ji-sung's transfer negotiations without the director's knowledge → Exclusive rights to agents
photo courtesy of the Korea Professional Football Association
'Shock' Director Lee Jung-hyo's passing, Um Ji-sung's transfer negotiations without the director's knowledge → Exclusive rights to agents
photo courtesy of the Korea Professional Football Association
It's a shock. There was a transfer negotiation that the coach was not aware of. This happened while Gwangju FC sent Um Ji-sung to Swansea City (England Championship, Second Division). It was revealed that multiple employees in Gwangju pushed for the transfer without excluding coach Lee Jung-hyo.

Gwangju will leave Gwangju for Swansea City on the 3rd. Swansea City, who watched Um Ji-sung's performance, has expressed its willingness to recruit him. The club held negotiations with a focus on the player's future and confirmed the transfer, the official announcement said.

Rumors of Um Ji-sung's transfer have rocked the K-League over the past few days. He was offered by Swansea City last month. Swansea City manager Luke Williams is said to have wanted him strongly. Um Ji-sung was also desperate to expand overseas. He has always dreamed of entering Europe. In particular, as he was about to join the military, he considered this 'Love Call' as his last opportunity to advance into Europe.

Coach Lee completely excluded Um Ji-sung from the home game against Jeju United on the 30th of last month. Coach Lee said, `I took out the players boldly because I was worried that they might get injured while going abroad.' In fact, with Um Ji-sung's transfer in mind, he set it as 'Out-of-Power Player'. But negotiations between Gwangju and Swansea City were slow. A club official said "It is right that they are negotiating on the premise of a transfer in a big way. However, there are parts that need to be coordinated, such as transfer fees and options,' he explained. Criticism poured out over Gwangju's frustrating move.

There was a reason. An official familiar with the situation in Gwangju said through Sports Chosun "In the beginning, Lee did not know about Um Ji-sung's transfer. Multiple club employees visited Gwangju representative Noh Dong-il in person to push for negotiations, excluding manager Lee. The initial transfer fee was exactly 700,000 dollars (about 970 million won). He urged the company to send the offer quickly when the offer comes, saying that he has only about a year and a half left on his contract with Um Ji-sung. CEO Roh delivered the relevant information to director Lee to discuss the situation. Manager Lee hinted, "Only then did I find out about Um Ji-sung's transfer."

'Shock' Director Lee Jung-hyo's passing, Um Ji-sung's transfer negotiations without the director's knowledge → Exclusive rights to agents
photo courtesy of the Korea Professional Football Association
Director Lee is said to have been very embarrassed. Umji Castle is the property of Gwangju. It is also from Kumho High School, a youth team in Gwangju. Since joining the professional league in 2021, he has played a key role. In 2022, he took the lead in Gwangju's K League 2 victory and K League 1 promotion. He ranked in the K League 2 Best 11 in the 2022 season and won the Young Player Award. In 2023, he worked hard to rank third, the highest ranking in the K League 1 in the history of the Gwangju club. He is also using it as a key point this season. However, the club tried to sell the core of the team for only $700,000 'Awl Price'. Moreover, Gwangju was in a situation where it was not possible to find a replacement for Um Ji-sung due to the violation of fiscal consolidation.

There were more surprises. Multiple employees who pushed for the transfer without Lee's exclusion gave a specific agent 'Umji exclusive rights'. An official familiar with the Gwangju situation said "There was a reason why Um Ji-sung's transfer fee was set at $700,000. It was mid-June. The multiple employees gave exclusive rights to a specific agent without CEO Roh's knowledge. It was for the individual, not the club. He bargained with a thumb."

Gwangju, which belatedly grasped all the situations, attempted 'direct negotiations' with Swansea City. Local agents in the UK also understand that the amount initially set by Swansea City is much larger. The market's interest is very hot, with Um Ji-sung watching not only Swansea City but also multiple championship teams such as Leeds. Gwangju requested Swansea City to negotiate directly by e-mail, and expedited the meeting. However, just before the new player management team leader moved to England, the atmosphere changed. Manager Lee is said to have mediated the situation, saying, `Why should a player suffer from some adult's faults?' They gathered their will for the dream and future of becoming a player on a grand scale.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, the leaders of both clubs organized the related situation by video conference. Um Ji-sung, who had a lot of talk and a lot of trouble, was confirmed. However, he revealed problems such as Lee being excluded from the transfer process. It became clear why coach Lee was quiet when asked about Um Ji-sung at an official press conference. Gwangju received only 1.2 million dollars (about 1.66 billion won) even though Um Ji-sung's current ransom was set at at least 1.5 million dollars (about 2.08 billion won). According to a soccer official, it would not have been easy to raise it further because the initial transfer fee was so low. Gwangju has many players who receive 'love calls' from other clubs, including Um Ji-sung and Jung Ho-yeon and Heo Yul. It is known that there is an atmosphere within the club that there should not be a `second thumbs-up situation.'

The amateur administration of the Gwangju club is retreating 'Lee Jung-hyo Magic'.
