SSG Landers Campaign to Eradicate DUI with TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority

Jul 04, 2024

SSG Landers Campaign to Eradicate DUI with TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority
SSG Landers will hold an offline event with the TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority (TS) to promote the campaign to eradicate drunk driving in a home game against the Lotte Giants at SSG Landers Field in Incheon on July 9.

TS and SSG will announce the dangers of drunk driving of cars and two-wheeled vehicles (two-wheeled vehicles, bicycles, electric kickboards) through this event, and organized the event to encourage baseball fans to return home safely without drunk driving.

On this day, Frontier Square (first base square) has a participatory booth where visitors can directly experience situations similar to drunk driving so that they can be alert to drunk driving.

First of all, goggles are worn so that visitors can feel the drinking situation and then hit the target plate in a situation where cognitive and coping skills are poor, and wireless earphones, massage guns, mini fans, and auxiliary batteries are provided to visitors who hit the target through a drawing event.

Then, in the 'Drinking Measurement Zone', visitors can experience a breathalyzer test, and participants will be given a prize of non-alcoholic beer '0.00'. In addition, at the Traffic Safety Experience Booth, visitors can experience safe driving and eco-driving through simulator devices in which actual road conditions are implemented.

In addition, visitors who visit Frontier Square and post photos of their participation in the event on their SNS will be offered a variety of prizes through lottery events.

Meanwhile, TS's mascot 'Tanju' will visit SSG Landers Field in Incheon to pray for SSG's victory.