"Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. " "'Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level"

Jul 18, 2024

'Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. ' ''Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level'
A game between the LG Twins and SSG Landers at Jamsil Stadium on the 17th. SSG Kim Kwang-hyun is unable to handle LG Park Dong-won's hit at once with one out and runners on the first and third bases in the bottom of the first inning. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.17/
'Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. ' ''Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level'
A game between the LG Twins and SSG Landers at Jamsil Stadium on the 17th. SSG Kim Kwang-hyun is pitching hard. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.17/
'Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. ' ''Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level'
A game between the LG Twins and SSG Landers at Jamsil Stadium on the 17th. SSG Kim Kwang-hyun is unable to handle LG Park Dong-won's hit at once with one out and runners on the first and third bases in the bottom of the first inning. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.17/
"(Kim)Kwanghyun is also in a transitional period...."

SSG Landers ace Kim Kwang-hyun (36)'s shocking pitching of eight runs in three innings carefully revealed that the time for change has come.

Kim Kwang-hyun started in an away game against the LG Twins in Jamsil on the 17th and became a losing pitcher amid sluggish performance of nine hits (two home runs), one walk, two strikeouts and eight runs in three innings. He is 6-7 with a 5.24 ERA in 19 games this season.

Kim Kwang-hyun, who had 11 wins and 8 losses and a 2.98 ERA in 2018 after undergoing elbow surgery, left for the United States in 2019 with a good record of 17 wins and 6 losses and a 2.51 ERA. In 2022, he won the team's 'Wire to Wire' with 13 wins and 3 losses and a 2.13 ERA. His performance fell to 9 wins and 8 losses and an ERA of 3.53 last year, but he is clearly different this season.

Manager Lee saw Kim Kwang-hyun as a time for a change. Manager Lee said, "I talked to the pitcher part and the power analysis team, and now I think Kwang-hyun needs to pay more attention to these areas, such as pattern and rapid control." When he had speed close to 150km, he was competitive enough with sliders. I know it well because I dealt with Kwanghyun when I was active. But now, the speed of the fastball doesn't come out as much as then, so we have to think about how to use the fastball, and I think it's important to adjust the speed of the slider and curve."

'Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. ' ''Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level'
A game between the LG Twins and SSG Landers at Jamsil Stadium on the 17th. SSG Kim Kwang-hyun is catching his breath. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.17/
'Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. ' ''Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level'
A game between the LG Twins and SSG Landers at Jamsil Stadium on the 17th. SSG Kim Kwang-hyun is pitching hard. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.17/
'Yang Hyun-jong and Song Jin-woo did the same. ' ''Eternal Ace's '3 innings of 8 runs shock' Lee Sung-yong's diagnosis' Kwang-hyun is also in transition now. Pattern change, need to adjust the level'
A game between the LG Twins and SSG Landers at Jamsil Stadium on the 17th. SSG Kim Kwang-hyun is catching his breath. Jamsil = Reporter Park Jae-man pjm@sportschosun.com /2024.07.17/
Director Lee continued "It seems that Kwanghyun is also thinking a lot about that part"In the last game against NC in the first half, he used the curve well, resulting in good results (two hits and no runs in seven innings). After that, I used sliders rather than curves, but they hit me as the sliders flocked."

Still, he showed faith in Kim Kwang-hyun. "Still, he's a veteran, and Kim Kwang-hyun is the first starter for our team. I think it will help us to think about it if we act as a guide to some extent."

Manager Lee talked about a long previous case due to a change in pitching style. "Yang Hyeon-jong is a case where he moved a little faster and changed it. (Song) I heard Jin Woo-hyung also had that experience. The same goes for hitters. At some point, the speed drops. Then, you can lower the weight of the bat or change the batting method little by little. When I was 41, I reduced my bat to 30 inches"It doesn't matter when you have good speed, but don't you end up deteriorating when you get older?" In that case, I think that if we overcome the transition period wisely and well, we can do it for a few more years."

How will Kim Kwang-hyun solve this problem.
