'Choi Ji-in's winning goal'Suwon beats Daejeon 1-0'2024 GROUND. NK League U15 Championship' First win

Aug 23, 2024

'Choi Ji-in's winning goal'Suwon beats Daejeon 1-0'2024 GROUND. NK League U15 Championship' First win
'Choi Ji-in's winning goal'Suwon beats Daejeon 1-0'2024 GROUND. NK League U15 Championship' First win
Suwon Samsung U15 won the Youth Championship.

Suwon beat Daejeon Hana Citizen U15 Team 1-0 in the final of the '2024 GROUND. NK League U15 Championship' held at Cheonan Football Center's main stadium on the 23rd. Suwon, whose best performance was third place in 2022 and 2023, succeeded in winning the competition for the first time.

Daejeon went all the way to the final. From the first round of the group stage to the semifinals, they won all six games. The member who won the U14 Championship last year came up and showed off his solid organizational power. Daejeon boasted of its offensive soccer, scoring as many as 24 goals in six games. He also scored only four goals. Daejeon defeated Pohang 3-0 in the semifinals.

Suwon lost to Ulsan 1-4 in the first game, but won all of the following games and succeeded in the final. The ace was Ahn Joo-wan, the son of Jeonbuk coach Ahn Sung-nam. An Ju-wan, who scored 32 goals in 13 matches in his K-League junior, scored 11 goals in this tournament as well. Suwon won an 8-0 victory over E-Land in the semifinals.

The whistle blew at the start of the game. In the fourth minute of the first half, Suwon created a chance first. Lee In-woo crossed from the left. The high-altitude header crossed the post. Daejeon missed a disappointing chance a minute later. Lee Ji-woo's mid-range shot was blocked by the goalkeeper.

In the 6th minute, Suwon created a threatening scene in a counterattack. The goalkeeper hit a long kick, and An Ju-wan attempted a left-footed shot past the defense with explosive speed. It's off the mark. In the 10th minute, An Ju-wan connected a cross from the right with a left-footed volley. It didn't fit properly. Suwon hit a shot from front of the arc by Choi Ji-in, who caught the ball from the right side in the 19th minute. The goalkeeper made a good save.

'Choi Ji-in's winning goal'Suwon beats Daejeon 1-0'2024 GROUND. NK League U15 Championship' First win
Daejeon made a chance for the first time in 27 minutes. I tried to make a cutback by breaking down the right side. The shot was blocked by the defense's hand-to-hand defense.

Suwon scored the first goal in the 31st minute. From the right outside the box, Choi Ji-in shook the Daejeon net with a powerful right-footed shot. Suwon, which gained momentum, attempted a left-footed shot in front of the arc in the 33rd minute. Slightly off the post. Daejeon also fought back. After 34 minutes of interception, a fast pass was connected to Yang Won-young. I tried to shoot without delay, but I was weak. The goalkeeper caught it easily. Suwon's Lee In-woo fired a sharp mid-range shot a minute later. It's a little off.

In the end, Suwon's 1-0 lead ended the first half.

The second half of the match was aggressive. However, it didn't even connect to the shot. Suwon made a difference. In the 6th minute of the second half, Kim Woo-jin was added without Lee Leafbird. In the 7th minute, Lee In-woo stabbed an amazing through pass. Ahn Ju-wan took the opportunity to face the goalkeeper by breaking down the back space with fast speed. The goalkeeper stretched out his hand and blocked it.

Suwon succeeded in a quick 11-minute counterattack. Ahn Joo-wan caught a long pass and went to the front of the Daejeon goal with explosive speed. He attempted a powerful right-footed shot. The goalkeeper caught it. Daejeon added Jeong Kyung-sik in the 12th minute to increase the number of attacks. 14 min Suwon also used a replacement card. Jangseong has entered. Daejeon scored the equalizer. In a narrow space, Kim Han-sol calmly pushed it in. But the assistant referee raised the flag. It was offside.

The two teams continued their battle. Yang Won-young in Daejeon and Choi Ji-in in Suwon attempted a mid-range shot. Suwon strengthened its mobility by putting in Kim Min-jae in the 25th minute. Suwon missed a decisive chance. In the 26th minute, Lee In-woo connected the intercepted ball to Kim Woo-jin, who was running. He tried to shoot against the goalkeeper, but was blocked by the Daejeon defender's supertackle. Daejeon went on a general offensive in the 29th minute with Hwang Jung-min.

In the 30th minute of Daejeon, Kim Han-sol hit a right-footed shot from the front of the arc. He was blocked by the goalkeeper. He then sent a sharp cross into the net from a corner kick, but it passed. In extra time, Suwon Anju-wan broke through on the counterattack and fired a powerful right-footed shot. It came up. Daejeon did its best for the equalizer, but Suwon's defense was not shaky. In the end, Suwon won 1-0 and kissed the trophy.

Meanwhile, Ulsan beat Jeonbuk to win the U14 Championship final held the previous day.
