Tottenham, Leicester away, 1:1... 89 minutes for Son Heung-min. the first goal of the prisoner + the equalizer of the body

Aug 20, 2024

 Tottenham, Leicester away, 11... 89 minutes for Son Heung-min. the first goal of the prisoner  the equalizer of the body
 Tottenham, Leicester away, 11... 89 minutes for Son Heung-min. the first goal of the prisoner  the equalizer of the body
[King Power Stadium (Lester, England) = Egan Sports Chosun.COM reporter] Tottenham drew in Leicester City's away game.

Tottenham drew 1-1 in the first round of the English Premier League (EPL) match against Leicester City in 2024-2025 at King Power Stadium in Leicester, England on the afternoon of the 19th (local time). Son started on the left wing and played 89 minutes.

Tottenham took the lead from the beginning. In the fifth minute of the first half, Son Heung-min shook the defense with his personal skills on the left side line. He got a corner. Bentancourt connected the ensuing corner with a header that was cut off and eaten as it was. The Leicester City defender cleared it before it was sucked into the goal. In the ensuing chance, Solanke connected Son Heung-min's cross with a header, but was blocked by the goalkeeper.

Tottenham kept going. Romero attempted a header in the 12th minute of the first half. He got out of the way of the goal. In the 13th minute, Son Heung-min grabbed the ball and hit it and connected it to Madison. Madison crossed again. The defender cleared it before Solanke shot it. In the 18th minute of the first half, Son Heung-min attempted a left-footed shot as a corner kick flowed backward. I went out after hitting the defense.

Tottenham scored the first goal in the 29th minute of the first half. Son Heung-min passed to Madison. Madison caught the ball and crossed it. The prisoner turned the ball around with a header. I shook the net.

Tottenham didn't stop here. Madison scored a free kick in the 33rd minute of the first half. Johnson caught and crossed. Son Heung-min ran, but the ball has already passed.

37 min Tottenham counterattacked. Madison gave Son Heung-min a space pass. Son Heung-min grabbed it and passed it again. Madison crossed after hitting into the box. The defense blocked it.

Tottenham increased their possession the rest of the time. First of all, Tottenham's 1-0 lead ended the first half.

 Tottenham, Leicester away, 11... 89 minutes for Son Heung-min. the first goal of the prisoner  the equalizer of the body
Leicester City came out aggressively in the second half. I pulled up the line. It drove Tottenham hard. In the 13th minute of the second half, a cross came up from the left. This ball went too far. Patau caught it. He crossed. In front of the gate, the body connected with a header. They tied the game. Leicester City gained momentum. It kept driving. Tottenham didn't set the tone properly. I was constantly at the mercy of Leicester City. Leicester City created a chance in the 25th minute of the second half. The pass went in smoothly in the midfield. It's connected to Vardy. Vardy's shot was blocked by Vicario.

In the 33rd minute of the second half, both teams changed players. Tottenham put Beribal, Klushevski, Gray and Werner without Sar, Bentancourt, Madison and Johnson. Leicester City took out Vardy and Buonanote and put in Mabidi and Sumare.

Tottenham drove in. In the 38th minute of the second half, Solanke grabbed the ball and gave it away. Veribal shot. The defender blocked. Leicester City took out De Cordova's lead in the 40th minute of the second half and put in McAtee. The game continued in a 1-1 situation.

The extra time was given nine minutes. Bentancourt's injury delayed a lot of time. Tottenham brought in Son Heung-min and prisoners. I put in hischalisson and spence. It was the last chance.

However, no additional goals were scored. Tottenham secured only one point against the promoted team in the enemy territory.