'Monthly ERA 0.55 ace + 15 RBI center hitter'Jul MVP selected by team and staff

Aug 05, 2024

'Monthly ERA 0.55 ace  15 RBI center hitter'Jul MVP selected by team and staff

'Monthly ERA 0.55 ace  15 RBI center hitter'Jul MVP selected by team and staff
NC Dinos selected pitcher Kyle Hart and fielder Kwon Hee-dong as the team's MVP in July.

NC is selecting MVP by voting for both the team and the field staff. The coaching staff selects candidates by reflecting not only performances and records but also dedicating themselves to the team and making efforts out of sight, and the team and field staff use them as the basis for judgment to vote.

At the ground before the home game against KT Wiz at Changwon NC Park on August 4, the award ceremony was held for Hart and Kwon Hee-dong, who were selected as MVP in July.

Hart, who was named MVP of the pitching part, won three games in July, allowing 16 hits with 39 strikeouts and two runs (two earned) in 33 innings in five starts. He pitched an average of more than six innings in July, adding to his team's victory.

Hart added "All the grades I'm recording are due to my colleagues. I think this July's MVP is also the result of the players' help. I would like to thank my colleagues, coaching staff, and front office staff. I always think it's the last time on the mound, and I'm throwing with all my might. I am well aware that my role will be the team's victory soon. I will do my best to carry out the mission given to me in every game."

Field MVP Kwon Hee-dong went 19 for 60 in 17 games in July with four home runs, 15 RBIs and a batting average of 317. He played a role as the team's central hitter at a time when the team's main players were left out due to injuries.

Kwon Hee-dong said, `I'm grateful that the players gathered their hearts and gave me the MVP these days when the team is having a difficult time. Whenever he enters the batter's box in every game, he plays with the idea that it is his team's last chance to score. All of our team's players are working together to fill the spot where Ah-seop and Gun-woo were injured. I'm also playing my best every game with a desperate heart. Lastly, I want to thank my family for always supporting me in and out of the ballpark", he expressed his feelings.

The player selected as MVP will receive a prize of 1 million won.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.