Kangwon who won't discuss 'Winning'...Director Yoon Jung-hwan is wary of complacency "We need to concentrate more"

Aug 24, 2024

 Kangwon who won't discuss 'Winning'...Director Yoon Jung-hwan is wary of complacency 'We need to concentrate more'
Courtesy of the Korea Professional Football Association

-Seoul on the Rise

▶ Our players have changed since we came here two months ago, and we are on the rise If we do what we have to do, I hope we can play a good game

-Kim Kyung-min's Rise

▶I feel like I've been feeling better lately. We don't have many resources in Tsukyeomb, so we have to use Kyungmin who is in good condition. I'm working hard

-Left Combination Change

▶There is something you have to do tactically. The last game didn't work well, so I replaced it. There is something I prepared for today's game. It would be nice to look forward to Lee Ki-hyuk's position.

-Working with the coaching staff, including coach Jeong Kyung-ho

▶We have a good atmosphere. The coaching staff knows their roles well and communicates well with the players. It has been clear since winter what to do. So far, not much has changed. Although the results did not come out in the beginning from the opening, they won and gained the atmosphere. There was a set game model, not a random soccer game. It has continued well, explaining it easily for players to understand. Lee Yoo-hyun and Lee Ki-hyuk are adjusting well even though they're doing well, and it feels upgraded with Kim Dong-hyun's coming

-the most vigilant element

▶Proudness is on the lookout. Concentration on the game should come up. Hwang Moon-ki, Dong-hyun, and (Kim) Young-bin friends lead the atmosphere a lot. It's the same on the playground.

-the activities of new mercenaries

▶These players are a little unique. Players try harder to communicate. I can feel a lot wanting to help the team. As they get closer to the players, they have good breathing on the playground. Korean players study English. Our players are also becoming more familiar as they approach English. Now foreign players are looking for Korean food. It stands out that they are trying to get to know Korean culture quickly.
