Brentford 4-4 Wolfsburg draw! Kim Jisoo will play for 15 minutes

Aug 10, 2024

 Brentford 4-4 Wolfsburg draw! Kim Jisoo will play for 15 minutes
[G-Tech Community Stadium (London, England) = Egan Sports Chosun, reporter] Brentford drew Wolfsburg after a slugfest.

Brentford drew 4-4 against Wolfsburg in a pre-season match at G-Tech Community Stadium in London on the afternoon of the 9th (local time). Kim Ji-soo entered as a substitute in the 34th minute of the second half. He showed stable defense and forward pass ability.

Five minutes Wolfsburg went on the offensive. I've broken down the left flank. He crossed. Paredes hit a volley shot. It went over the goal.

Brentford also launched a counterattack. 13 min Jensen hit a right footed shot in front of the arc circle after catching the ball. He got out of the way of the goal.

Brentford scored the opening goal in the 17th minute. Norgaard gave up a through pass. Ayer grabbed the ball and passed it. Mbomo shot and shook the net as it was. Brentford led the way.

Brentford scored an extra goal in the 20th minute. Wolfsburg caught the ball in his camp. Janelt pressed. I snatched the ball. And pass. Weissy scored a goal.

Wolfsburg scored one goal in the 34th minute of the first half. Anod crossed from the left. In a mixed situation inside the gate, Beamer scored a goal as it was. Wolfsburg tied the game in the 41st minute. The cross came up from the second line in the center. Lacroy rushed from behind and shot and shook the net.

 Brentford 4-4 Wolfsburg draw! Kim Jisoo will play for 15 minutes
 Brentford 4-4 Wolfsburg draw! Kim Jisoo will play for 15 minutes
Earlier in the second half, Brentford had put Ivan Toney in without Weissy. Six minutes into the second half Brentford attempted a sharp set-piece. Stabbed a pass from behind the arc circle. Tony grabbed it and shot it. He was blocked by the goalkeeper. In the 18th minute of the second half, Tony tried to shoot once again. He hit a right footed shot in the midfield area. The opposing goalkeeper hit it.

Brentford made the turnaround. In the 19th minute of the second half, Mbömo's shot hit the post and came out. Jensen made a shooting goal as it was. Brentford led the way.

Wolfsburg tied the game in the 33rd minute of the second half. Wolfsburg Arnold made a shot and a goal.

In the 34th minute of the second half, Kim Ji-soo was put in. Kim Ji-soo helped his team score in the 36th minute of the second half. Good forward pass in the last room. This ball went through his teammates and connected to Chade. Chade made a goal. Brentford led the way.

Then, in the 40th minute of the second half, Wolfsburg recovered one goal from a corner kick. It's 4-4.

The game is over. The two teams were drawn.